Bingo: Blackout!

Jun 28, 2011 19:05

Author: welfycat 
Fandoms: Criminal Minds, Leverage, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Stargate: Atlantis, Supernatural, White Collar
Card: Card on my LJ (plus links)
Angst: Vulnerability, Using others or being used, Religion, Secrets, Emotional Abuse, Hunger, Trapped, Slavery, Serial Killers, Headaches, Execution, Sexual Harassment, Wild Card (Scars), Child Abuse, Mistaken Identity, Threats, Self-harm, Starvation, Moments Lost, Mute, Giving Up, Orphans and Runaways, Heat, Fairy tales & folklore, and Tight Spaces.

Title: Altruistic Evasion (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Vulnerability
Fandom/Pairing: The Sarah Jane Adventures / Gen (Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Kidnapping, suggestions of malicious intent.
Summary: Sarah Jane contemplates just how dangerous the world is, even without aliens, for Luke who has no concept of people who don't have the best of intentions. Words: 2,267

Title: Attribution (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Using others or being used
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: Even as FBI profilers their understanding of each other is limited by their own experiences. Words: 1,692

Title: Early Sunday Mass (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Religion
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage / Gen (Nate Ford)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Continued grieving for a canon character death.
Summary: Standing outside a church is a terrible place to think and remember. Episode Tag to The Miracle Job. Words: 880

Title: Indirect Confessions (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Secrets
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Discussion of child abuse, semi-graphic depiction of injuries that were the result of child abuse.
Summary: When Derek Morgan receives an envelope in the mail he is forced to make a confrontation he never expected. Words: 5,709

Title: Parallels (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Emotional Abuse
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Derek Morgan)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Non-graphic discussion of sexual abuse, specific descriptions of emotional abuse.
Summary: Derek Morgan makes some unpleasant connections between his past and his present. Words: 1,984

Title: Determination (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Hunger
Fandom/Pairing: White Collar / Gen (Neal Caffrey)
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: Neal grows his beard and loses weight. One is intentional, the other isn't. Words: 1,130

Title: Shivering Asleep (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Trapped
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: Sharing a hotel room was always a little difficult. Sharing a hotel bed with Spencer Reid was a feat all on it's own. Words: 1,858

Title: No One Left To Pray To (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Slavery
Fandom/Pairing: Supernatural / Gen (Sam Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Captivity, violence, non-consensual bondage.
Summary: Castiel will never let the Winchesters go now that he holds all the power. Words: 2,021

Title: The Blurred Line Between Evil and Justice (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Serial Killers
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Spencer Reid, Team)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Off screen character death, hallucinations, references to drug use, references to child abuse, discussions of killing people.
Summary: They do the jobs they were destined to do, just not in the way the law intended. AU. Words: 2,602

Title: Heavy Gazes (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Headaches
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Spencer Reid)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Discussion of mental illness.
Summary: Spencer worries and the team worries right along with him. Words: 1,089

Title: Wavering on the Precipice (on AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Execution
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Aaron Hotchner)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Murder, memory of canon character death.
Summary: As time passes Hotch finds himself closer to the dark than he had expected. Words: 1,198

Title: Qualifications (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Sexual Harassment
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual Harassment.
Summary: Spencer can't pass his firearms qualifications but it isn't for the reasons everyone thought. Words: 3,241

Title: Cravings (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Wild Card (Scars)
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Spencer Reid/Derek Morgan/Aaron Hotchner
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Discussion of/references to self injurious behavior, discussion of/references to past drug use, description of self injury occurring in the past (including descriptions of blood).
Summary: When Spencer comes home one night with Hotch and Morgan he discovers that his mind is more devious that he'd previously realized. Words: 5,722

Title: Failure is the Only Option (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Child Abuse
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (David Rossi)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual abuse/child pornography of an OC minor. Potentially triggering scene, please use caution.
Summary: Some cases they arrived on the scene having already lost. Words: 2,175

Title: Omission (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Mistaken Identity
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Psychological torture, descriptions of torture, implied non-consensual sexual contact.
Summary: Aaron Hotchner discovers that not having enough information is a torture all of its own when he and Spencer Reid are taken by an unsub. Words: 9,916

Title: What You're Thinking (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Threats
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Discussion of mental illness of a minor character, discussion of child endangerment.
Summary: A case gives Spencer an opportunity to provide some answers to questions that Derek never thought to ask. Words: 2,882

Title: Knowing Isn't Enough (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Self-harm
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Spencer Reid)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Remembering/descriptions past self-injurious behavior (may potentially be triggering), observation of scars caused by self-injurious behavior (attentive, descriptive, and slightly graphic), discussion of suicide, suicidal behavior/attempts and murder (of victims in a case, not canon characters), references to drug addiction.
Summary: Reid can't help but be very aware of both what is happening around him and within his own mind. Words: 2,483

Title: Untouchable (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Starvation
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (David Rossi, Spencer Reid)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: Dave Rossi makes a mistake regarding Spencer Reid as he learns what it means to be part of a team. Words: 2,080

Title: Nonlinear Thoughts (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Moments Lost
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / David Rossi/Spencer Reid
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: There are still times, even after all Rossi has seen and done, that he doesn't have the first idea of what to do. For some reason, most of those times seem to involve Reid. Words: 1,020

Title: Hailing Frequencies Closed (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Mute
Fandom/Pairing: Stargate: Atlantis / John Sheppard/David Parrish
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: Reaching out is impossible if the person you are reaching for won't take your hand. Words: 804

Title: Out of Options (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Giving Up
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: Watching someone else sink is almost worse than sinking yourself. Words: 1,157

Title: Temporarily Home (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Orphans and Runaways
Fandom/Pairing: Supernatural / Gen (Sam Winchester)
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: When Sam is twelve he gets to be normal, for a little while. Words: 1,011

Title: Longing for Sunset (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Heat
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: References to drug use.
Summary: Spencer knows that it's an open secret among the team but that doesn't make it any easier to reveal evidence of his weakness. Words: 3,542

Title: Missing (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Fairy Tales & Folklore
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal Minds / Gen (Spencer Reid)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: Spencer wakes up and everything is the same, except the things that somehow aren't. Words: 1,571

Title: Fighting for Consciousness (On AO3) (On DW)
Prompt: Tight Spaces
Fandom/Pairing: The Sarah Jane Adventures / Gen (Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith)
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: No content warnings apply.
Summary: The helplessness of being captive in her own mind hurt more than Sarah Jane had ever imagined. Words: 1,257

Total Word Count: 61,291

prompt: execution, prompt: sexual harassment, prompt: orphans and runaways, prompt: religion, prompt: scars, medium: fanfiction, prompt: self-harm, prompt: heat, rating: all ages, prompt: vulnerability, prompt: threats, prompt: tight spaces, prompt: using others/being used, prompt: slavery, round: 2, prompt: giving up, prompt: moments lost, prompt: serial killers, prompt: trapped, rating: mature, prompt: mute, prompt: hunger, prompt: secrets, prompt: starvation, prompt: headaches, bingo: blackout, prompt: mistaken identity, rating: adults only, prompt: child abuse, prompt: fairy tales and folklore, rating: teen, prompt: emotional abuse

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