Bingo: Straight Line

Mar 31, 2011 01:18

Author: sheryden

Fandoms: Leverage, Kane RPS, Lost

Card: My Card

Angst: threats, cursed, Wild Card (unable to perform), post-traumatic stress disorder, hookers

Title: Time For Me To Fly

Prompt: threats

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/gen

Medium: fic

Rating: PG

Warnings: minor language

Summary: When Parker is threatened by Eliot's past, Eliot decides it's time to walk away from the team.

Title: Days are Numbered

Prompt: cursed

Fandom/Pairing: Lost/gen

Medium: art

Rating: PG

Warnings: None

Summary: Since winning the later, the winning numbers have made his life a nightmare.

Title: Sick with a Side-Order of Guilt

Prompt: Wild Card (unable to perform)

Fandom/Pairing: Kane RPS; background Chris/Steve

Medium: fic

Rating: PG

Warnings: none

Summary: When Chris gets sick and has to leave stage, he starts to worry that he's let down Steve and the fans.

Title: Fragility

Prompt: post-traumatic stress disorder

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/gen

Medium: fic

Rating: PG

Warnings: mention of past combat scenarios

Summary: After his PTSD becomes an issue, Eliot is ashamed to face the team

Title: Plugging the Holes

Prompt: hookers

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage; past Eliot/Aimee, Eliot/OFC

Medium: fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: minor language, implied sex

Summary: After the bottom drops out of Eliot's world, he tries to kill the pain with a string of bleach-blonde hookers.

prompt: unable to perform, round: 2, prompt: threats, medium: fanfiction, prompt: hookers, medium: art, bingo: straight line, prompt: cursed, prompt: post traumatic stress disorder, rating: teen

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