On the spur of the moment, I decided to pick a different LJ layout (not that I actually have the skill/time to be fussing about with any custom features), and now I'm really tempted to start playing around with it, though I suppose that will have to wait until the end of the semester! I only have a month of school to go before finals, so I guess I can hold out until then. ;)
Of course, now every time I'm looking at my friends page, I keep thinking that I'm on someone else's LJ. *pokes brain*
In other organizationally-related news, I finally gave in and got a
del.icio.us account, and I've been having an undue amount of fun tagging all of my various bookmarks. ♥ Yes, I am that easy to please. *is totally not having a weird relationship with tags*
Moving on to more normal aspects of my life... School is going okay; I've been kind of frustrated with my Quantum class because the material is so completely over-my-head at times, but I'm managing. Only a few more weeks of this to go, at least. ;) And because of the upcoming four-day weekend, at least the next two weeks will be short!
Well, that fulfills my LJ post-quota for the month. *g* Have a great week, everyone!