because mebfeather asked me to update...

Apr 18, 2005 21:45

Oy, I feel quite behind on LJ. And my friends page started being funky and randomly leaving out different entries, so I've resorted to going through individual LJ's again. the near future.

Today, however, I slept through my first two classes. It's sad, because most people who sleep through class only sleep until about maybe 9:30 or 10 or something. Me, I have to sleep until 11:50. I am very sad. Missed a Latin test, too, which I can't make up--but at least we get to drop one. Of course, I would've preferred not to have studied at all if I'm going to drop it. ;) But oh well!

I got a little sunburned on my shoulders from staying out for a few hours on Thursday at Diadeloso. Our swing dance performance went well, though, so yay. If I ever figure out a place/method of uploading it, I'll let you all know. You know, if you actually wanted to see it. ;) Basically, I got thrown around for a few seconds, so...yeah. *g*

Still have to write my paper for Great Texts, though since it's on fire imagery in the Aeneid, it's not so bad. Yes, it's the little things that amuse me, really. :D

Other than that, school's been going pretty well, I guess. Finals are coming up, so I'll have to study for those...meep! The semester is almost over already. I have my Racquetball skills test next week, and I'm desperately hoping that I've greatly improved--as insane as it sounds, I do not want to lose my 4.0 on a silly Racquetball class. I will be so bitter.

Not much else really going on here. In the past week, I've been "paired up" with two different people--one of whom I would never in a million years date much less marry (yes, my friends like jumping the gun a bit ;)) because we'd kill each other oh-so-very-quickly, and I don't really know how I feel about the other one but I do know that I'm not falling over myself to date him. ;)

Oh, but my high school just won first place (again) in the State Science Olympiad competition this past weekend--my younger sister was there. I know they'll have a good trip...hopefully, without any stripping involved (okay, so it was just a belt...but it's fun to tease him about it ;)).

Hope everyone has a great week, {{hugs}} to those who need them, and I'll catch up with you all soon! Feel free to prod me with any important updates/info. :)

school, life of pam, guys

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