Nov 13, 2010 19:36
So I had my Devoirs Sur Table (DST) on the 30th of October. I'm so happy that one of my friends had the same subject as me (European History). Otherwise, there is no way anyone would've understood what I went through.
First of all, I got lost trying to find the room. *Sigh* My professor gave us all the room numbers where the test would be administered, but she gave us the wrong building. I don't blame her, because our TD class is at an off-campus site, but dang. I think I was three minutes late. While looking for the room in the correct building (that is so very strangely designed) I ran into two guys from my TD class who were equally as lost (and one of them was very cute). We found the class, and I sat next to the cute guy (in the first row). I spent 20 minuted trying to choose between the two topics. And by the way? My teacher had told us that we'd have a choice of whether to do a commentary or dissertation. Nope. One of the topics required a dissertation, and that was it. The other one we could choose how we approached it. I chose the one that gave me the choice in the end, and I wrote a commentary. I included dates and everything (because my professor had sent us a listing of dates that we could bring to the midterm).
I'm surprised that I didn't get distracted while writing. Usually when I'm taking tests like this, I'll spend some time daydreaming. Then again, I usually know what I'm doing. With this, I focused on the task from beginning to end. With all that said, I don't know how I did. It can't have been good, but I wrote on the paper that I was a foreign student (like my professor had told me to). Hopefully they'll count the fact that I included a couple of dates in the correct sense. *Sigh*
After the test, I went out to wait for my friend. When I saw him, I asked him what happened. I wanted to know what we did in there. We both agreed that we basically walked in the room, did something for two hours, and then walked out. Lol. Our brains were fried, and we couldn't remember what we did. And apparently he was in the same room as me!!! He was sitting on the other side of the cute guy, and he saw when I walked in. I, on the other hand, never noticed him. I was shocked to hear that he was so close to me. I had told myself that I would look for him before I left the room, but by the time I was done writing I just wanted to get out of that room. I even stepped on somebody's foot. Lol (I apologized).
So yes. The worst is over. My teachers have changed for the second half of this semester. We're now doing modern European History. My new TD professor has asked us to do an exposée. I have a partner, and we're presenting Europe During the Cold War on December 2nd.
Speaking of exposées, my theater teacher (the class where I did my first exposée) has asked me to re-do what I did. He said that if he graded me on the presentation that I had done, my grade would be very, very low. I don't have to go in front of the class again though. I just need to e-mail it to him.
In other news, I finally have my scholarship!!!! But, they still owe me. They owe me a little more than 1,000 dollars and I have another scholarship that I had applied for. It has been two weeks since I received the money, so I'm going to e-mail my school and ask them where the rest went. Studying abroad has lowered my opinion of my home school. They suck, or at least the Study Abroad office does. Before getting my money, I wrote both the woman in charge of financial aid, and the study abroad correspondent a slightly pissed off letter. No response. I then wrote a very pissed off letter to the correspondent, and that's when I got an e-mail back from him that my aid would be disbursed in three days. Gee, what a coincidence.
He agreed with me that there was a problem of communication in the program, and he said he would talk to his director about it. I hope he did. Even so, I really, really, really hope they ask us to evaluate them when we get back. I thought they knew what they were doing, but just like it's my first time studying in Paris, it seems to be their first time sending students abroad. That's ridiculous.
Finally, I'm going to go to Spain soon with one of my friends. Yay!!! I hope all goes well.
real life