Yeah so as i am politically inclined
Deep Throat has been confirmed, but only by himself
The former number two man at the FBI, Mark Felt claimed today to Vanity Fair that he was Deep Throat. The two reporters from the Post (in Washington D.C. _ inside joke there if you don;t get it ask me some time) still are holding true to their word that they will maintain the source until the source dies. Felt has been on the short list of suspects. I question this though, why would you leek it to Vanity Fair, money might motivate him, but who knows, we all will after he dies, if the name is released. Yeah i could post a link, but do a yahoo search or go to any of the news organizations, I recommend they are "unbiased" (yes i do know they tilt left, but it is only just a few degrees). They are right about in the middle though, NBC, CBS, ABC they are true middle, so NPR is very close to them, um yeah PBS too, they are the TV version of NPR.
Now to plug these guys again listen to whole wheat bread guys are so good, once it hits your ears it is sooooo good
Well enough posts for one day