goodbye 2006

Dec 31, 2006 13:01

2006 Survey
Answer the questions as they apply to the past year.

Age you turned: 17
Did you grow?: eh.. maybe in my head.
School/Work: our lady or maircee / hempstead high [work] / dance dimensions
IM Screen name(s): k1mberrlee
Best birthday gift: hm.. i dont remember. it was nearly a year ago.
Best Christmas/holiday gift: it would have been the record player except that had to go back haha.. all my hippie clothes.
Did your physical appearance change?: i dyed my hair a bunch of times, i think it was dark dark brown, firetruck red, then there was a long period of time where i let it go and it was like brown/orange, then blonde, now back to firetruck.
Did you personally change?: maaaaybe
Best month(s): august.. july.. summer.
Worst month(s): september kind of sucked, as did november.

New friend(s): yess
New family members?: i dont think so..
Most influential person(s): myself!

Have any crushes?: yeees
How many relationships?: nooooo
Longest relationship: buh
Shortest relationship: wuh
Did you have your heart broken?: nuh
Status at the beginning of the year: single n ready 2 mingle lolol
Status now: single mothafuckaa
Have any regrets?: no.
Did you fall in love?: eh. nah.

Sports played/joined: daaaance owns my life.
Clubs joined: national honors society! im a dork.
Any sports, clubs, or activites you wish you joined?: none
Wish you quit?: none!

Vacations: texas, mexico, disney, chicago, floridaaa to visit kc!
Best winter event: what winter? this is crap.
Best spring event : end of school.
Best summer event: visiting kc in florida, seeing rocky horror like three times, living at ginas house.
Best autumn event: getting into college.
Ever sneak out?: herm. no.
Get in any fights?: what would high school be without fights?
Any "firsts"? (first time trying things, going places, etc): you bet ya mama.

Plans for the new year?: party it up at kates.
Hopes for the new year?: get a bigger rack. :-O
New Years Resolution: win the biggest loser.
Goals you want to accomplish: save the world.
Anything you're putting behind you?: my ghetto booty.
Age you will turn: 18! finally i will be able to legally watch and buy porn!
Any big changes taking place?: college!
Going anywhere?: college.. aye. as well as.. maybe florida with kelly and brigid in june. maybe california. who knowzz?
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