all hail kim

Jul 23, 2005 01:21

buon giorno, principessa!
so yeah im not really sure why im updating this really because im sure i have little or no audience anymore since no one but pretty much brittany knows that i still have this livejournal. i joined that community in the below entry and that has gotten me back on livejournal and then i found a cute layour so i had to put it to use and write some things. although the font may be a little small for my taste.

this summer has been ca-razy. tara came to visit and me and her and shellers and mike and andrew and claude hung out and played monopoly and went to maggie moo's every night and that was pretty exciting. i dyed the under of my hair purple but that came out quick with chlorine. we went to the city and there are fun pictures from that good time. also there are pictures form kerrys sweet 16 which was excellent with hairspray and a limo and milleridge.. delicious. last night i went to michelleys cause danny is here from NH and we played monopoly and spoons but it was not as fun becasue i had crappy monopoly luck. but i kicked guess who ass, adding that to the list of games i am awesome at. which is consequently small.

also, im not digging this default icon thing i have going here, i know i got it becuase it went with the color scheme of a previous layout but now its just annoying, so im looking into changing it. but since im not going to be using this a lot, maybe not.

oh pants. i havent slept in my bed in two days and theres clothes all over it. which means i have to clean before i sleep. which is not cool.

OMGZ BRITKNEES PARTYZ ON SUNDAY! i havent seen that fux0r since the chem regents. which was tons of fun. as always. i might get my permit soon, because i feel 6 months is long enough to be lazy and maybe i should start doing something with my life, like driving. or not. who knows. tomorrow im watching the crow with the krelp and going to grammys and going to camp out in a ninja turtles tent with a cupcake. don't act like you're not impressed.
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