Well, well, well. It's only 10:20 and my family is done opening presents, eating breakfast and we've bathed the two youngest. It's be a grand ol' morning here in our house. We're heading off for the in-laws laster this afternoon. They're going to be moving out of their house next summer so we'll be doing one last get-together in their home before making our home the Christmas Day place to be. I'm pretty excited about that.
So, let's start with Christmas Eve. We opened the Hickory Farms package my boss sent (very generous) and devoured the meat, chees, mustard and crackers. Then we got everyone in their PJs and drove around our area looking at Christmas lights. Some were really cool. Others were lame. Then we tucked the kids into bed after reading the Christmas Story out of Luke chapt 2 (yes, in the Bible). Following THAT, my wife and I hung a sheet in the hallway so the kids wouldn't peek down to see what we were doing (wrapping presents, pervert, SHEESH!). The wife and I poured some eggnogg, put on A Christmas Story (our tradition) and wrapped presents and set up the stuff from Santa.
After were were done my wife looks at me with a delighter twinkle in her eye and says "Let's go play WoW." So we did. ((NERDS!!)) We went to bed at 1am.
AND WE GOT UP AT 7AM!! Man, was that stupid. Anyway, every year I go outside of our house and ring jingle bells and yell in a big, booming voice "HO, HO, HO!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" My kids totally love it and they believe in Santa (except for my oldest - we told her when she was 10. Now she gets to ring the bells). We had a blast. The kids were VERY excited.
On to the presents! It was an odd year this year. There wasn't anything I felt like I absolutely HAD to have (except, of course, the Blade Runner 5-disc DVD set in the cool metal case). But there were lots of neat gift ideas. Under the tree for me this year:
- Wife's favorite cologne for me
- PC Games from some friends (TimeShift and Wold in Conflict)
- Transformers the Movie (the new one - ironically from my son. I gave the original to him.)
- Pirates of the Caribbean 3
- Threadless Tee #1: Helium Menagerie - I didn't even know about this shirt, but it has animals on it and I love the Threadless animal tees.
- Threadless Tee #2: In Case of Fire - My family loves camping so this is perfect.
- Threadless Tee #3: Home is Where the Hub Is - This was another that was completely unexpected. My wife did it right, though. The shirt is really cool.
- Green Linen Shirt (WoW Addicts will get this) - I've wanted some Jinx wear for a long time. They have other cool stuff, but the WoW gear is among my favorite.
- Heroes Helix Pendant - This gift might be the most meaningful. My wife calls me her hero and the symbol means "Godsend". Awwww.
Now, I'm going to go lay down. I'd post pictures but I'm way too tired and lazy to do that. Hope you all had an awesome Christmas.