Real entery

Jul 03, 2004 23:44

ok I have a real reason to write in my thingy. I went to see Supersize Me at the ex-Madstone( I hate lefont they took a cool place and made it suck a little inside (see Greg's rant to buckley last night or rather just ask him about it)) and loved it. I knew he screwed up his body for the experiment but holy human collectors items batman I had no idea how much damage could be done. I won't tell you what happens you just to just get off your ass and find out for yourself (or stay on your ass and bootleg yourself a copy you thief you). It is totally worth the 6 bucks I spent but maybe not roswell road over near 285 but that is another story that is probably more interesting than this one. I you guys's luck I might take the time to write it down for you but I am lazy and have to get up at 6 so not now.
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