Apr 15, 2004 00:32
I've notced in my life that every ones a fucking retard.....I am a fucking retard.... Im saying im not, im just an observant fucking retard..... every body has there own damn veiw points and opinions. the problem is every body thinks there right. there opinions are like steel... hard, blunt and stuborn..... one should have all of his belives more like rubber, see one thing that most people don't notice is that everything is ever changeing.... I mean I know you guys think that its only style and music, but its everyhting, life as we know it, and becuase of this simple rules that may have made sence a week ago, simply don't work anymore.... its really hard to explaine but its very easy to noctice if you look at society, our view points swithc back and forth so fast its hard to keep up...look its way to hard ot explain...all I can say is open your damn eyes, everything that happens now is worthless nothing is important, any invention that comes out will soon be improved on and the upgraded and then will slowly evolve into somehitng else and then the invention will be lost, the same thing with everyhting else in life.. the only way to live on is through memories and thats just some cheap cop out for those who can't handle how fucking small we are...where just a little speck in this world even if you redifine the way we live and unite the whole fucking world give it a while society is great about breaking down walls and bringing about indiffrences, and the best you'll ever really become is three pages in a book a few hundred thousand poeple will read and then die, until your nothing but dead like every one else, yeah its "sad" or "pestimistic" but its the fucking truth.... you can have your pop culture your sun shine, your budah, jesus, alah, christmas trees, candy, dirty std invested sex with total strangers, crack, artifical bacon bits, what ever gets you up in the damn morning and keeps a smile on your face... but realize that none of it matters, Im not saying go on a damn killing spree, or shoot up heroine becuase your life has no meaning, no Im saying the opisite of that, have as much fun as you can, but don't hurt any body. If some guys in front of you and hes being all slow, who cares it doesn't matter if your late. if the lady in teh check out line is messing up, don't give her a ruff time, shes probably not haveing a great day.. if your girl freind is cheating on you.... then apaerently she wasn't right for you, dont even let it cross your mind.... live your life as happy and carefree as you can... call every body a fucking retard and who ever is smart enough to know your just playing make um your freinds..... for all the other retards who take offense pray that they come around....