Michelle's list of Cosmic Injustices

Jun 26, 2006 12:25

1:) Nothing says "Learn to Bellydance" like 102 degree weather.

2:) It is harder to work out in the heat, yet burns less calories.

3:) The more weight you loose, the more insanely apparent your strech marks are.

4:) After years without hips, if you finally aquire them, you have no idea how to use them.

5:) Being "In-between" sizes . . . IE . . . just a little too small to not swim in "Womens'" clothing, but too large to fit into the regular selections.

6:) Your body's desperate need for ice cream right after a work-out.

7:) Chocolate.

8:) Loosing weight in your FEET!?!?!?!

9:) Becoming more attractive to the opposite sex and only attracting loosers as opposed to the generally better quality of male before.

10:) Having rock-hard abs STILL covered by Shamu-like fat deposites.


Paint me frustrated.

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