About a higher consciousness

Apr 28, 2006 10:22

So its been a while since I last updated. I've been busy with stuff so I thought I'd let you know whats on my mind.

I'm not too happy at Irvine. It seems like the emphasis is on workload and not learning. Its a top school you know. Bunch of deusch bags.

I've been thinking about my major, psychology and social behavior. I come from a pretty chaotic background. Theres been a lot of out of control people in my life. That kind of thing can be pretty damaging to a kid. I think knowing that explains a lot about me. The whole seduction community/David DeAngelo thing and the psychology thing...I think the point was to understand, to try to make some sense out of things.

The thing is, when you start to understand you begin to release. You begin to heal.

I dont think psychology is the best medicine. Because I dont think intellect is the highest consciousness.

I think Eckhart Tolle explains it the best. This guy Descartes was looking for something that he could know for sure would prove his own existence. The one thing he was certain about was that he was always thinking. So he said, "I think therefore I am." And people said, "Fuck, this guys onto something." And for a long time people left it at that.

Then one day this guy Sartre came along and said "Wait a minute." If we were always thinking we would never know it. The consciousness that knows we're thinking is a different consciousness then the one thinking. Its like, a computer doesnt know its computing, it just computes. It doesnt have a higher consciousness.

The same way a dreamer doesnt know he's dreaming. He's powerless. But when he wakes up and taps into that higher consciousness all kinds of magic starts to happen.

I'll leave it at that.

And so it is.

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