Apr 22, 2006 22:32
Omg live journal is the gayest shit in the whole entire world, ( kinda like ron) i dont even know why i have one really... i mean all this shit online is all the same basically if u think bout it, i mean myspace, xanga, livejournal same FUCKING shit, the only reason why it ever got invented was b.c the damn nerds got fed up with video games and watching porn all the time so thats why they came up with these online journaling sites....but i mean they do make money off of it, but nobody even cares bout xanga or this stupid shitty site, its all bout damn myspace, but seriously though... although Tom has made money off of us, in reality he HAS no life like a lot of fellow americas to this day. which is sad. And i have no pity for any of them.
So in the end the lesson that is learned is that.
-Livejoural sucks
-xanga's gay
-friendister might be slightly better b.c u can put a shit load of pics up, but thats it
and other various journaling sites suck as well.
but in the end MYSPACE WINS!
but tom's not even hot. what a damn shame.
can't win em' all!