(no subject)

Mar 15, 2005 16:37

first matter of business today, my birthday is tomorrow and anyone who respects me will kindly do me a favor and not wish me a happy birthday. i hate my birthday intensely due to the fact that it only completes 1 more year still alive. so please nobody even say it.

on another note, how do you guys think somebody would react to recieving a human finger in the mail? let me know on that one, im confused here.

well my goal for yesterday was not completed, and i wound up crying. what the fuck, seriously, what kind of dude sits and cries all fucking day, christ man, im like a little kid. i wish i could just go 1, only 1 day without crying, or at least crying for like under an hour would be good enough for me, but no im such an apparent fucking baby.

there is no longer any light, only darkness.

- kyle
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