Feb 21, 2011 21:48
I have recently been looking for patterns to make sweaters specifically curling sweaters like the pharmacy one I wear. It belonged to my grandfather, he was a pharmacist. It has the logo and tonnes of mortar and pestles along the border. I wear it when I by my drugs to make the pharmacists jealous they dont have a cool curling sweater. But I digress. It seems that curling sweater pattern are a) not in vogue and b)hard to find. When patterns are found they are snapped up quickly according to my local yarn store owner. Its not like i seen tonnes of people wearing curling sweaters and ravelry doesn't have patterns listings for curling sweaters. Curling sweaters are a specific type of sweater.
I might have bitched about my bad hair cut recently. if I havent well just know that I had a bad hair cut from a student who happens to be the wife of a friend. and then had to have it repaired. Its growing out slowly. The worst thing about the whole experience is she made a comment about my age. I am not that old. only 30. ten years older than her. WTF? It took me great restraint not to hurt her but I will get her back. I will just sleep with her husband. (joking, its an open marriage).
I decided to change up my hair routine and never ever have it cut again. ever. unless Ani comes back from Halifax. No, I am actually looking for a place that sells nice hair accessories. I hear wooden hair sticks are good for long hair. And I think I will knit a snood for it. A snood is an old fashioned hair net