Crazy Times in Hell

Jan 27, 2005 13:34

Well yea...i have not written in this fucking thing in like forever, i apologize. Not really too much too update though. It rained like crazy here all day a couple of days ago and the ground doesnt hold water so well so we got like 3 foot deep puddles that you could drown in which is pretty shitty if you think about it. The side effect of the rain was mud....very very shitty mud that was really deep and sticky and made everything dirty. But yea anyhow, im so close to coming home its kind of a starting to get pretty excited. I think im really stressed...and have some serious depression goin on but it's all good cause its almost time to come home. Anyways, i have really been thinkin about Sam lately and i just cant figure her out. Its so confusing, i just dont know what to do, its like i want someone to make the decesion for me that way i dont have to worry about all the thinking cause thats the not fun part. I have two parts of me right now saying different things and i dont know which one is the right one. well yea....i ordered some subs off of ebay for a pretty good deal but its turns out the mother fucker that owned them fucked me over pretty good....the plexiglass on the box is craked and one of the subs if blown and they are not all the same brand...he pulled a quick one on me there i guess so fuck him im getting my money back. Well yea i really miss all my friends back home...its makes me pretty happy when i get to talk to them...acctually it really makes my day to be honest. well thats about it for now...take care everyone.
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