(no subject)

Dec 14, 2006 18:36

This week has passed pretty fast. That's a good thing. I bought the new Brand New cd, it is amazing. School has been unbearable lately... definitely growing apart from some people. I honestly feel that everyone around me is so immature. Like my "honors" history class is full of crack-pots. Seriously kids, smoke some weed and relax. Dave and I just sit there and stare at each other while Christa impersonates a beached whale or while Tim imitates a person with Turrets. It's embarrassing. Speaking of history, I hit Matt Hill just playing around and Gibson got all serious and was like "You could get 10 days suspension for that" and then went on to ask Matt if he wanted him to write me up. God damn this school. The whole day I sit there thinking about other things get through my classes and go the barn. We just got a new horse in, she's 1 and Greg is letting me break her with him. I'm excited that he's giving me more responsibilities. I 've also been thinking a lot about what happened Sunday. It keeps playing over in my head like I'm missing a piece.. I can't figure it out though. Tomorrow is penning. Should be fun.

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