Sep 30, 2007 23:23
Just a few quick sentences:
Getting an apartment for next semester. Whoopee! It's gonna be the most awesome dork-pad on the face of the planet. Our next Exalted campaign is totally at Dan and I's place...unless we continue Dragonlance.
I have a paper due at 5PM tomorrow that I haven't started. Weee...
And a paper abstract due Tuesday...that I don't have the foggiest idea about...
I should have something to show to the Chaucer group...but I might not for Tuesday.
Paper abstract due Friday as well.
Bring back Ingrid, the Intrepid on Friday.
Touring apartments Saturday.
Hopefully flogging Fraser Saturday night :)or something like that.
Dag campout was excellent. I got compliments on my new shawl I knit this week. I was called an "artisan."
And... I'm a boring human being I guess.
But that exam I took Friday... I anally raped it without applying lube first.
And I leave you with that image.