(no subject)

Oct 24, 2006 23:19

1. What is in your left pocket?
no pockets.. in my pjs.

2. How much alcohol did you have this weekend?
um a beer.. maaaaaaaaaaaaybe... not much of a drinker these days

3. Do you eat gas station food?
no, not really unless drunk but like i said i barely drink.

4. Ever drive all night to get to someone?
not all night but it sure felt like it.

5. Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
first time i saw it i hated it.. couldnt even finish it.. but the second time it was funny.

6. Do people that scream into their cell phones annoy you?
only if theyre sitting right next to me.

8. Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
wall to wall carpeting which sucks cause i have a 2 year old and she likes to spill things.. ALOT!! and also my toilet overflowed once with pee in it so now my bathroom smells like pee cause i cant seem to get the smell out. ive cleaned the area like 4546459219124 times!

9. Do you sit or stand in the shower?
i only sit when shaving my legs.

10. Could you live with roommates?
been there, done that.. both times sucked. i prefer to live with a bf or alone.

11. How many pairs of flip flops do you have?

12. Where were you born?
portsmouth, nh

13. What is your drug of choice.
prescription drugs. (painkillers)

14. Ever been to rehab/jail?
no but probably should have.. for both.

15. Last time you had a run in with the cops?
um.. few months ago. ex called them on me and it backfired on him cause they searched him and didnt like what they found so they put him in jail.. HAHA!!

17. What do you want to be when you grow up?
i think i am grown up and not really happy with the path ive chosen.

18. How cool are you?
not very

19. Who is number 1 on your top 8?
on myspace.. um.. rise against i think.

20. What cell phone service do you have?
cingular.. and its been pissing me off lately.. everytime i get a text it sends me like 5, and everytime i want to call or text someone i have to turn off my phone and turn it back on. CURSE YOU CINGULAR!

21. How often do you get on myspace?
um.. AT LEAST 10 times a day and thats at LEAST!!

22. How many people are on your friends list?
um a little over 100 i think

23. When did you join myspace?
i dont remember

24. What kind of car do you drive?
2000 pontiac grand am piece of SHIT!

25. What is your dream car?
not really my dream car but i really want a mercury milan for some reason. they are really affordable and pretty sleek looking.

26. What is your favorite pets name?
well i have 2 pets so ill name them both. my cat: "cleo" who i adopted when she was like a year old, and my frog appropriately named "frogger" that jesse bought me for valentines day one year.

27. If you could have sex with one celebrity, who would it be?
id have sex with them all.. haha

28. Last time you broke the law?
today. driving my 4 months past inspection and registration car.. SHHHHHH!!!

29. How long have you been in the state that you live in?
lived here most of my life

L a s t

1. Friend(s) you saw: sasha.

2. Person you talked to on the phone? eric. :sigh:

3. Text: greg.

4. Message over myspace: i left a few comments earlier but i think the last one was to cassidy telling her how much i liked the singing frog with the tiny dangling wee wee

1. Wearing: fleece pants and a cuervo tee with a white tanktop underneath

2. Better than yesterday? did i copy and paste this wrong? i just noticed that these questions dont fit in this category and the numbers are 1 and 2.. hmm.. im dumb.

either way.. what the hell does this question mean?

F a v o r i t e

1. Number: 3

2. Color: i favor black in clothing, but i have favorite colors for alot of different things.

3. Season: autumn definitely!

C u r r e n t l y

1. Missing someone: yeah.. a few people.

2. Mood: tired, and sad.

3. Wanting: to find a man that REALLY loves me for ME and that will treat me as i treat them.
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