If you were to draw some lines between LA, New York, and Arlington (TX), you'd have a huge triangle that covers a good portion of the United States. This is my Bermuda Triangle. I've spent a good amount of time bouncing around inside that triangle, confused and searching and never quite finding a destination. I don't know if it's weird weather patterns, or magnetic disturbances in the Earth's ley lines, or aliens, or something else, but it's hard to fly a plane through this place.
It's not a perfect metaphor, I confess. There are a lot of places that have been important in my life that aren't within the bounds of that three sided beast. If you wanted to be specific, it would be kind of big Bermuda Amoeba. But I can't use that because no one has ever seen a Discovery Channel special on the Bermuda Amoeba. So we'll stick with imperfect for now. It's a fitting word.
And hey, what the fuck, I thought a triangle was supposed to be the most stable basic shape?
I don't know what I'm looking for. I guess sometimes we spend our whole lives figuring that out, so I guess I can't assume I'll have it nailed down by the time I'm almost 27. Wow. 27. Starting to knock on 30's door. But hey, no need to put unfair and artificial expectations on a number.
I don't even know what I'm trying to write here. Got a bunch of stuff swirling around in my head and still trying to piece it together into some sort of coherent idea. So I'm going to just stop now because these things get rambly and boring after about two paragraphs.
Oh, and I've been obsessed the past few days with the show Californication. It's fucking awesome!
Don't have any recent photos on Flickr to put down here, they're all on my hard drive at school and I haven't gotten around to putting them online. But I like them. So for now I'll put one that I think I've posted before, but I've been thinking about it so here it is again: