When I was younger I could hear Symphonies in seashells So why am I so deaf at twenty?

Jan 24, 2008 20:33

yeah, so i got the 'stang all kindsa fixed up today. that makes me very happy.

in the past 2 days i spent more time in school and studying that any other thing; that includes sleeping.

i love my new baby ferret SUNNY GRASSHOPPER!!

ok. that is all. it is now time to study. and them go hoodie shopping. johnny cupcakes is high on my list and so is fullbleed.

There are blue skies in my dreams
          And laughter that seems unending
           There are green grass fields there
           And happiness and hope for tomorrow

Tears stream down my cheeks
    Only to meet their redeemer and be wiped away
             And there is joy

sometimes, when i get really morose, i wish i had someone to take me, hold me to their chest. tell me that is all okay. that i have it in me. that im not fooling myself. had some one to shoo my fears and doubts away. someone by my side to face the unknown and uncertiany with. to sush my worries away with a kiss and a back scratch.

but then i relizse that i wouldnt be here, in college and totally disciplinedand motovated unless i did it all by myself. then i just read a book and go to sleep and tell myself im a weak asshole and that being dependnt on someone else is downright pathetic.

But I know I've got to live my life
  And roll around on the ground and feel the strife
    And realize along the way that I'm nothing more
         Than a grain of salt in the salt of the earth
               And everything is grace

When I'm finally naked and standing in the sunlight
 I'll look back at all of this selfishness and foolish pride
                And laugh at myself

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