As you all may or may not know, everyone's favorite wanky hipster Thom Yorke (the singer for Radiohead) has put out a
solo album, The Eraser. I've listened to it a few times through now and here's my review, which you will need to have listened to some Radiohead to really find useful:
Puu and I don't really see why it had to be released solo because it's sort of like a combo of Radiohead albums... Specifically, if you liked the weird electronic mostly-guitar-free bloops and blips of Kid A, and you liked the non-electronically-modified singing on The Bends & Amnesiac... then you'll probably like this. The singing on this album is the usual "normal male vocal range and understandable words, mixed with NEEEEEEEEEEEYOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOO and humming and falsetto muttering" that we have all come to expect from Thom. XD Well, basically I would say if you like recent Radiohead albums and aren't wanting to RAWK OUT, then you'll probably like this. It's a fairly relaxing (and wussy) electronica album.
As I was saying to Puu, if Thom wouldn't hug me because he's too full of woe, I'd punch him in the whiny wanky emo hipster face, and then I'd SNUGGLERAPE him. MWAHAHAHAHA. (We can call this act "snape" for short!)
Anyhow, I thought I'd upload some tracks from the new album... and then for comparison a bunch of other songs. Enjoy! :D (Sorry about the size of some of these files.)
Black Swan. This is the first single, I think (as much as there could be a single off something like this).
Harrowdown Hill. We think the same things at the same time. I like the beat of this track.
The Clock. Pleasant.
jokersama and I looooove to karaoke this song, god knows why. I think she likes the line about chicken voices in her head. >_> GOD LOVES HIS CHILDREN, HEH HEH HEH [From OK Computer.]
Karma Police. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH US. (For a minute there, I lost myself.) [From OK Computer.]
I Might Be Wrong Lots of NEEEEEYOOOOOWWWWWOOOOOO in this song! :D [From Amnesiac.]
Fake Plastic Trees. One of my favorite Radiohead songs, since it was one of the first ones I heard. This is the video that was featured on Beavis & Butthead with Thom rolling about in a grocery cart. If I could be who you wanted all the time... [From The Bends.]
Street Spirit (Fade Out). Cracked eggs, dead birds scream as they fight for life... Another wangsty song from The Bends!! This is the CD with the most radio-friendly songs, but I already posted Fake Plastic Trees so I didn't want to post more stuff everyone's heard like Just, or Bones, or High & Dry, or The Bends... besides, I like this song for when I feel depressed. THERE'S NOTHING LIKE RADIOHEAD FOR DEPRESSION. [From The Bends.]
Creep. A lot of people call this the only good song off Pablo Honey. I have no opinion. Anyhow if you don't know this song you must have spent the last 10 years in a coffin under the sea, masturbating. I'M A CREEP, I'M A WEIRDO... WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE, I DON'T BELONG HEEERRRRREEEE [From Pablo Honey.]
Creep (acoustic). As described.
Here is a kind of awesome flash music video for it. WATCH IT IF YOU LIKE RADIOHEAD AND EMO CARTOONS. [From various import CDs/Iron Lung EP.]
I Am A Wicked Child. I guess it's a Hail To The Theif b-side? It's sort of got a vague southern-goth or Beck feel for some reason. [From the "Go To Sleep" single EP.]
Gagging Order. Another b-side I guess. This very pleasant acousticy non-weird-music song is from the same EP as the above. (Note: non-weird only applies to the music, not the singing/lyrics.)
lilykane sent this to me a while ago and I liked it. :D Move along, there's nothing left to see... [From the "Go To Sleep" single EP.]
Idioteque. Speaking of songs about nuclear war! :D This is another song we love to karaoke, with a glorious shrieking and a lot of NYOOOOOOOOWWWWWEEE! BTW if you're a fan of the manga Bleach and the character Ishida and don't have this song yet you should obviously be shot. [From Kid A.]
Kid A. Not quite sure what this freaky yet pleasant electronica song is about, but it sure is creepy when you figure out what the hell he's saying! And it's actually EVEN CREEPIER when John Mayer covers it acoustically and you can tell what the words are! STANDING IN THE SHADOWS AT THE END OF MY BED... [From Kid A.]
U.N.K.L.E. - Rabbit In Your Headlights. Thom was featured on this before Radiohead got really popular, I guess. BTW
U.N.K.L.E. is a collaborative project between DJ Shadow & James Lavelle, if that sounds interesting to you (they get various people to do the vocals). The video for this song was apparently banned for a long time because it shows a homeless guy getting hit by cars and that disturbed people. (I've seen it, it is weird.) [From Psyence Fiction.]
U.N.K.L.E. - Rabbit In Your Headlights (Massive Attack Remix). A quality remix.
Bjork & Thom Yorke - I've Seen It All. It's from the soundtrack of some Bjorkian movie called "Dancing In The Dark." ...... What the hell, it's a Bjork/Yorke duet, you know you want to listen to this pair of freaky warblers sing together.
As usual plz to comment if you grab. XD And tell me what you think of Thom!!
President Bush Gropes German Chancellor. In case you somehow missed this event last week.
World Most Unhealthy Sundial. It's a kind of cool idea though!
25 Wussiest Artists Evar. It's a fun list, though they can't seem to decide if wussy means "emo," "spineless," or "unoriginal and sucky" (how else can Robert Smith and Pat Boone be on the same list?!) and so the mix of artists is... strange. XD;
Why haven't you seen The Prestige trailer yet?! Hugh Jackman & Christian Bale star as rival magicians in 1900s London. Oh and David Bowie appears as NICOLA TESLA. I'm pretty sure we'll all go see this even if it sucks (although it doesn't LOOK like it will suck).
Later. "I been waitin' for divine inspiration from the radio station..."