Jul 10, 2016 07:01
is this a biography or a eulogy? [Wednesday July 18th]
hi, my name is cassie kidd. 2 s's and dont make jokes about my last name. i look like a little kid (HAHA) and im really violent. my mother is oversensitive but nurturing to a fault and my father might as well be me, bipolar disorder and all. in fact, a couple of my guy friends even said im the female version of him. which isnt an insult or anything, just made me think. i dont really forgive and forget but i do an awful lot of both in separate measures. if i could sleep through half of my life i would. running out of weed freaks me out, im trying to replace cigarettes with joints, fake friends with real ones, and lying around the house with working my ass off in an effort to support my habits. not addictions. simply habits. comfortable habits. i like all kinds of music. radio rap/90s hiphop mostly lately, dj-cut mixtapes, jazz, rock (shoegazer mostly), 70s rock, hippie rock, stoner rock, acoustic efforts, 80s pop, classical, and a little bit of country and 90s pop/boy bands simply for their nostalgic qualities. im an extremely giving person and people are absolutely my life. i would do anything for anyone i love and expect nothing less in return, which is why i tend to get stuck in less than fair relationships. all i really want is someones hand to hold, someone to have stories with, someone to share blankets with, just some companionship goddamnit. the best year of my life was spent in love, the second best was spent being drunk off my ass, which basically equivocates the former. clearly i like to write but id like to pursue psychology; the logic of it has always come naturally to me and being that people are my life, i think itd make a nice fit. im just afraid id put too much of myself in my work.
to be continueds/,fg.sd,hg
revision. [Monday July 23rd]
my names cassie. cassandra ann kidd. i know, ive never quite liked it either. well, aesthetically, i find myself quite demure. about 5'5, the face of a 12 year old, 100-something pounds, carnie hands, size 8 1/2 feet usually in fake uggs (eskimo shoes) or moccassins, usually wearing one ring on my right hand index finger and a hair tie on my left wrist. earrings always in. skinny jeans, sway back syndrome, ribs that stick out, then the sharp curve of big hipbones (childbearing hips?), i wanna pierce my belly button, im tired of calling it a ghetto booty, and my boobs didn't start growing til a minute ago. im in t-shirts jeans and hoodies or sleazy dresses and fake jewelry. remains of red nail polish, long eyelashes usually lined coated and shadowed. crystal nose stud on a birdlike german nose. runs in the family. huge blue eyes. loudmouth, big teeth, chapped pink lips. i have a lot of freckles. dirty blonde hair. long and wavy or pulled back. black horn-rimmed emo kid glasses that were on sale years ago. expensive taste, trashy attitude.
[Thursday August 9th]
im smart, quick-witted, clever, loud, hard to understand, standoffish, violent, vindictive, compassionate, self-aware, antagonistic, detail-oriented, abrasive, and nurturing. and i fall into habits before i even realize what hit me.
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