Aug 20, 2005 13:08
A few days ago Kelly and i went to Target. They have these seats that were in the shape of a......PENIS! So of course pictures were taken of this strange sighting. Target is one of the coolest places in the world. I went to Half Price Books yesterday. That place is badass. They have all of these occult books that i havent seen at Borders or Barnes and Noble. I bought The Philosophy of Magick, Out of Body Journeys, and a biography on Nico.
Nico is so pretty. I want to be a part of Andy Warhols entourage. To bad she got into heroin. Ive decided i want a entourage. The Velvet Underground = love.
Oh, i also bought Alice Sweet Alice there too. I looked for the Sex Pistols the Filth and the Fury but they didnt have it. Ive got to go back there. They had all these old cheesy horror movies from like the 70's.
When i was looking at the occult books this strange hobo hippie dude was looking at the books in Hinduism, it was funny. You really can meet some of the coolest people at the paranormal and occult sections of your bookstores.