Jul 23, 2005 18:18
I just read that theyre going to remake The Omen and Last House on The Left??!!! I can understand maybe a movie made in the 50's but these movies were made from like the 60's to 80's if im correct? They really arent that old. I guess The Rocky Horror Picture Show is going to get remade next or maybe Halloween. I dont see the point of going to the movies anymore. I can just stay at home and watch the same movie thats better for free. Dumb Hollywood people cant think up anything original so they have to destroy classic movies. Its a outrage! I am very mad. They are makings a Saw 2, i know because i saw the trailer.
How could you remake Last House on the Left? The little movie rating people wouldnt even let you put that out in theaters now would they?
Now i just found out that The Fog is being remade. Stupid ass motherfuckers. Why dont we just go ahead and remake Childs Play?