Jul 19, 2005 18:26
This is fun. Do this. hehe
1. Go to Googlism.com
2. Enter your first name into the search box and Googlism! yourself.
3. Pick the twenty BEST responses, and list them.
Googlism for: Lisa
lisa is an outspoken adversary of the left and radical feminism and a proponent of modern conservative principles
lisa is not an unmixed blessing for a work of art
lisa is actively involved in fostering education in globalization
lisa is editor
lisa is a very experienced musical theatre actress and dancer who most recently starred in les miserables
lisa is in the second grade at springfield elementary school where she excels in all subject areas
lisa is extremly horny and her husband
lisa is a 76 year old lady who lives alone in sheltered accommodation and prior to this hospital admission was able to care for herself
lisa is not wearing much
lisa is one of the country's foremost illusionists with a bachelor of arts degree in speech with concentrationin theatre
lisa is cool have you seen lisa's journal? i like it an awful lot and i'm sure you will
lisa is very hot and waits for your cock
lisa is worried by the number of times she's seen josh talking to chiara
lisa is king of the world
lisa is tenderly licking the sexy buttocks of her girlfriend by her wet tongue
lisa is gonna get it on come and watch
lisa is a story about a man named george
lisa is an enthusiastic and motivated teacher who is totally inspired to assist others in finding their own answers
lisa is a loser
lisa is bored and needs to kill time