24 Hours of LeMons: LeMons South Spring

May 23, 2011 16:56

Wherein victory #2 was acquired.

The Bandit:


I didn't get to drive this one, but went to be fuel bitch during pit stops and join the general party. We also had a team car. Identically (roughly, anyway) set-up MX3 with a Smokey and the Bandit theme between the teams. Yes, that's the firechicken on our Trans-Am Mazda. They (Smokey) suffered the typical first-time LeMons fate and had a never-ending stream of shit blow up and break on the car. (like radiator, entire engine, then timing belt on replacement engine, then bolt on oil pan, etc) But when it was running, it was almost as fast as ours and the times we were racing one after the other were truly awesome. And they won the Most Heroic Fix award for their efforts.

Smokey: (yeah, gold != brown, but is evidently much cheaper in rattle cans)

Our car wrapped up the Southeast region championship with the win and is in the lead in the national championship race. This means we will be doing (and I will be driving in) the August race in New Orleans and the September race in Charlotte to try and win the overall and the trip to France to watch the actual 24 Hours of Le Mans next year.

Again, it is truly impossible to describe how much fun this all is.

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