(no subject)

Nov 17, 2010 20:17

Despair.com has a couple of special TSA shirts they recently came out with.

They are great in and of themselves.
But, they just opened them up to custom slogans.

Might I suggest a few:

"Don't worry, my hands are still warm from the last guy."
"We are now free to move about your pants"
"It's not a grope. It's a freedom pat."
"Can't see London, can't see France, unless we see your underpants."
"We handle more packages than the USPS."
"You were a virgin."

Actually, while these shirts are funny, the whole thing actually fills me with rage. I wish a slow death by fire to all the DHS and TSA officials that dreamed this shit up along with the little Gestapo wanna-be dancing monkeys they have molesting you.
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