May 27, 2011 17:08
HOW in the sweet holy HELL is this site still up?!
Let's see, in the past year and a half I have:
[1] gotten drugged then raped by a stranger in a bar
[2] learned that the Tulsa PD are useless, worthless fucks
[3] attempted to kill myself with substance abuse and spent 5 days locked up in loony bin
[4] got arrested for verbally assaulting innocent cops and referring to them as "rapists"
[5] went through 3 or 4 different male partners who apparently weren't interested in anything but my ass, which I never learned until waaay later because I am (WAS) naive enough to think myself worthy of reciprocated respect and "like"
[6] pissed off my favorite artist because she's a Virgo and took a compliment out of context and turned it into criticism
[7] become pro-2nd Amendment and learned how to fire a semi-automatic in self defense...because the police are useless, worthless fucks
[8] lost a few friends because the assault and following romantic dysfunctions created an emotionally distressed, temperamental basket-case MONSTER who's impossible to tolerate for long periods of time
[9] sold my house and bought a new car that's my very own, trying to figure out where to go next, considering all the...baggage I'll be carrying in tow
[10] gone to sleep every night hoping I won't wake up the next morning, and/or wishing I had the courage to blow my brains out.