Sep 07, 2009 02:01
I suddenly fell off the face of the LJ universe. I bet the last time I posted here was in late May or early June, around the time EVERY FACET OF MY LIFE turned into a shit-storm. [ETA: wow, MARCH? Jeeesus.]
...SO MUCH to write about that I don't even think I CAN. So I won't.
I'll be honest, I lost track of everyone here. I do apologize. But I guess I must not be all that sorry, because I have no desire nor faintest interest in going back more than a couple pages on this FL.
...soooo, sorry again?
Yeah. If you wanna keep track of me, I've been blogging on MySpace. Mostly 'cause that's where the GUY I've been fucking in secret goes online.
Yeah, there's your update. Have fun guessing and speculating, because explaining drains me of my energy.
P.S. - Mommy Dearest moves back in on September 11th. I'd say that's about as appropriate as a date can get right there.