Abandoned Crystal System Colony Planet Earth - Tuesday Night, Fandom Time

Oct 04, 2016 21:49

Peridot was desperate. All of her ways of contacting Homeworld had been exhausted, shattered by the Crystal Gems. They'd almost caught her, too, and she'd paid the price for it. Now she was down one foot. She had no means of calling Portalocity for a quick duck-and-cover out of here, and no way of knowing if her distress call had even been received, let alone replied to.

It was time for desperate measures. Stupid measures, yes. But at this point, what choice did she have?

Her eyes narrowed a little as she crouched down at the foot of the Steven's bed. Enemy territory.

She had no choice.

"Goodnight, Happy Bear," the Steven murmured as he cuddled in under the covers. "Goodnight, Sad Bunny. Goodnight, Playful Kitty. Goodnight, Ominous Triangle at the foot of my bed."

He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the ominous triangle had moved.

"Ugh, whatever," he murmured, and then closed his eyes once again. That was when Peridot struck, closing her hand over his mouth and dragging him to the temple's warp pad.

He put up a valiant struggle, but caught unawares as he was, there wasn't anything for it. By the time he got his mouth uncovered, they were at the Galaxy Warp again, and she was dragging Steven toward the shattered mess that was supposed to be a warp pad to home. She activated her tractor beam, much easier to carry the squirming hybrid thing the rest of the way with, and sighed.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want to get off this lousy, Gem-forsaken planet!"


Peridot disabled the beam, letting the Steven fall to the ground so that she could let her free-floating fingers form the shape of an arrow, all pointing to the Homeworld warp's remains.

"You have to fix this!" At Steven's confused look, Peridot pressed on, growing more agitated as she spoke. "You're my last chance. I've got no Flask Robonoids. I've got no foot! I've got no response from Yellow Diamond!" She inhaled, and then exhaled, trying to compose herself again. "I know you fixed Lazuli's gem. Whatever you did, you've got to do it to the Homeworld warp!" She pointed her arm at him, and the formed her fingers into the blaster configuration, starting to charge them. "Or else!"

"Oh- oh- okay," the Steven stammered. "Just give me a second! My mouth gets really dry when I'm scared."

Peridot squinted at him as he licked his hand. And then slapped it against the broken warp with a wet squelching sound. And then she looked around, trying to make sense of... that.

"What was that? It didn't do anything!"

"It... doesn't always work."

Peridot felt a little bit like the world was being yanked out from underfoot. Under all one of her feet. Everything was spinning.

"No..." She shook her head in disbelief. "No no no no no! It HAS TO WORK!

"I'm really sorry..."

The Steven's attempt at being comforting was met with a bitter burst of laughter as Peridot sank to the ground, curling her arms around her legs.

"This was it," she murmured. "This was my last shot! I'm gonna die here! Noooo, oh..."

"Hey, hey. Come on," the Steven protested, still going for comforting. "Earth isn't that bad."

"It doesn't matter what Earth is like," Peridot snapped, looking at him sharply. "It's not going to be like anything, soon!"

"What do you mean?"

Peridot almost answered. Almost. But that was about the time that the warp from the temple activated, and the Crystal Gems appeared. Peridot made an altogether undignified sound, and then scrambled up onto her foot-and-leg-stump-combo to run away, trying to get some distance from the Steven with some difficulty as the Gems ran to embrace him. They even fawned over him for a few moments before the fusion noticed that she was there.


"Why can't you just leave me alone?"

Not that the answer to that question ever changed. The fusion cracked her knuckles, calling her gauntlets to her, and then let loose her traitor companions. Peridot reacted fast this time, making use of the charge she'd gathered in her blaster before to fire three blasts at the Gems, one after another. They dodged, kept coming at her, and she quickly changed her tactic, trying to helicopter her way out of there again.

The Amethyst caught her in her whip. Peridot tried to counter with an electric charge down the length of it, but the fusion intercepted it, sent electricity rushing right back up the length of the whip at Peridot, and then, while she was still reeling from the charge, yanked down on the whip, hard.

She didn't even notice the Steven's concerned gasp as she hit the ground, pain lancing up through her entire body as she tried to pull herself to her feet. Foot. She was coughing. She didn't need to breathe; no Gem did, but her body was in a bad way. She tried again to charge her blaster.

"Wait," she pleaded, "wait. You... you need me!"

She spun on her heel to face the Pearl, who had come up behind her with her spear. Her eyes widened as she realized that the Gems had her surrounded. She was done for.

"I'm the only one who knows about the--"

From behind, the fusion grabbed her in those big, fierce gauntlets she was wearing. They were big enough to completely engulf Peridot's chest. And, fiercely, she squeezed. Peridot didn't get a chance to get another word out as her body was crushed into oblivion, reduced to nothing but smoke that swept out from between the Garnet's hands.

Everything stopped.

[OOC: More canon! This time taking from the Steven Universe episode, Catch and Release! I am nowhere near done and am unapologetic for that fact. NFI due to the whole being in another reality and not having a body... thing.]

people: the amethyst, people: the permafusion, canon: catch and release, places: the galaxy warp, what: establishy, people: the steven, places: the temple, people: the pearl

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