The Mystery of the Disappearing Pie Crust

Aug 29, 2005 14:04

once upon a time there was a young(....ish?) girl attending a culinary school in the middle of nowhere, minnesota (which, just in my observation, seems to be most of minnesota....). during class one day, she put a pie crust in the oven to bake, because this is what one does with pie crusts. upon returning to see if her pie crust was finished, however, she discovered that it was gone.


nor were there any extra pie crusts left at the end of the day. luckily there was an extra that the chef had made that he ever so graciously allowed her to use. but still, the fact that there is a pie napping damned dirty bastard on the loose somewhere in the school didn't seem of much import to anyone but the poor girl with a missing pie crust.

true story.

and I'm reading people's livejournals, but at this point in the day, I'm so brain dead that I can't think of comments. call me and we'll jam or something. 612-275-4881.

apparently I'm going on an outing this weekend to the local adult boutique. I guess I missed the one over the weekend to the strip club, but apparently proved myself to people that were suffering from the image that I was wholesome (I think they saw that I had knitting supplies and automatically dismissed me) by making a vaguely (very vaguely) dirty joke.

I really just don't get the people here.

and in other news, I've been living my life by threes lately, or I've been noticing things with threes in them with much more frequency than I'm used to.

three days, three floors, three thousand pounds, three ounces, three drops, three swift strokes.

I dunno. it's a strange pattern that I feel my life has fallen in to and I'm not sure what to think about it. all I know is that on friday I was extremely hyper and happy all day long, until friday evening when I crashed and started crying for no reason. saturday was bad too. I didn't physically leave my room all day unless I absolutely had to. my roommates thought I was gone.

and in anger-i-fying news (I MADE UP A NEW WORD), apparently I'm getting a roommate on friday. thus, I spend most of the weekend cleaning and moving all of my things around so that this person, whom I already hate vehemently, can move all their stupid stuff in. damn roommates. I was perfectly happy all by myself, but no. heaven forbid we let Emily have a little personal space.

I'm too sarcastic for my own good at this point. call me, make my day, just wait until it's after six o'clock my local time. for Caitlin, that would mean wait until four. for my friends on the East, wait until seven.

do we all understand time zones?

good. because I'm really tired.

and this kid in my class today didn't know what a hooligan was. because I told him, jokingly, that he was a hooligan, and he looked at me and said, "What is that, some sort of porn?"

....have I mentioned that I just don't get people here?
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