So it starts after an interesting dream. Back in the artificial ponds of the palm springs golf cources behind my old home. The dream involves me, lying naked under a see through blanket (the insanity of dreams!), in a bus that is composed of no seats but beds instead. So there I lie, passing what appears to a be a reconstructed-Salvador Dali version of the Elvis home. Ah, sung the birdie, its lovely melting under the tremendous heat of the moon? (its was moonlight out). It makes a stop, and in come 4 guys. Too old for me, and I instinctively cover myself with my see-through blanket (the hilarious horrors! lol). So one starts to hit on me, and tells me im good looking (Im a narcissist even in my dreams! wow!). And then the other one starts to touch me. I wish for an immediate stop of the happens...and flies out the glassless-window. Lands on his feet and takes flight (dreams! lol). The next one starts, but I get up and inform them that im not single. I have a bf. Suddenly, the bus disappears, and im in the middle of a spa. I start to run, and realize that there is no gravity. I start to "float!" A though returns to my mind about being in control of a dream, if you are aware that you are dreaming. So...I decide to i'm having a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon moment on palm trees, I slip and come crashing down...I wake up before hitting the floor.
Im awake about 10 minutes before my alarm goes on at 6:30 in the morning. As I huddle in warmth and comfort under my real see-through-less blanket, I realize that i left my window open during the night. Well if im gonna die of an extremity in regards to temperature, I guess it might as well be cold. Anyways, my annoying alarm goes on, this morning is playing the sounds of traffic. If there is anything that will get me up, is that! I get up, run to the toilet before the morning-wood gets petrified in an erect position parallel to the floor. I take a piss. I never realized how clear my urine is until this morning. I know its not from the Vodka that poisons my liver and kidneys, so it must mean the daily gallons of water are taking effect. I shower, enjoying the wonderful smell of herbal essences, when I realize that I dont own it. Yeah, the wnders of the mind! The insanity of mine.
I put on unmatching clothes like always. Red shoes, Orange Shirt, and the tightests brown-green pant I have. I hate to makes me feel like a follower. As I run towards the door, my dog catches my can i not turn after a couple of minutes of hugging my dog goodbye, and turning the tv on so he can watch Dora The Explorer, I leave my house. I get into my SUV and make my way into the freeway. I live in a hill area, and there are only two exits to enter the freeway. This morning however, for the first time in a long ass time, the freeway entrance was saturated with many mechanical horses, which I call, Equus mechanicus. So it takes me about half the time I takes me to get to school, just to enter the freeway. As im about to enter, I see a dead Oppossum. The shivers take over. Damn it! Dead animals just impact my thoughts! Couple minutes later, in the 91west freeway in direction to UCI, I get cut off by a V8 SUV that's speeding. I get pissed off. Not at the fact that I was cut off, but because the fucker seems to not care that the faster you go the more gas u waste. Gas is at $3.40 dammit! I figure this must be one of the dude that wines and cries when it comes to paying gas. I guess stupidity dont help these people. As I head off, I contemplate once again on changin my SUV for a Hybrid. I really want to go on carpool alone. As I enter the 241 south, a big grin takes over my face. The speeding SUV got pulled over by a cop. NICE.
I get to school. First choice at parking would insinuate exitement about getting to school. To be honest, I like going to school...I wanna learn. I was 10 minutes late to class because on my way to the lecture hall, I got distracted by a little emerald-green floating piece of metabolizing-matter. It was a hummingbird. I stared at it as it gathered nectar from flowers, and got a flashback of biochemical cycles.
I went to class, my professor was talking once again about the advancements of molecular biology. blah blah blah...I did the reading...I know what ur talking about. Half way through, I fall asleep. Im later woken up by my friend who got to class 30 minutes late. The wonders of Tues/Thurs classes is that they are about 1.30 min long. I wake up in the middle of recombinant mapping. I payed attention and noted the professors mistake which he didnt see there at the moment that I noted it. He later sent an e-mail to the class about that same thing! The bastard!
After this professor spoke monotone-"ly" for the rest of the lecture and what seemed like an eternity, he went ten minutes over time. Using up the 10 minutes I need to get across campus to my philosophy class. Im late once again. I got distracted by rabbits. There are lots of these little critters at UCI. Anyways, once in the phil. the professor starts talking aobut Aristotle. If I understood Aristotle, I wouldnt ask questions, I reply to the professor after I frustrate him. So anyways, about an hour into the lecture (which was motly from the book) I get another urge of pain (I was sparring with my bf).
I leave that class after more un-answered questions. I look up to the clouds and hope for rain. I go to my car and head for home. I get home, my dog goes happy and the birds start chirping, the ferret goes wild, and the turtles seem to not care once again about my existence (and i feed them!). I let my dog out, he craps anywhere but the grass. I guess so many years of living in the city has conditioned him to crap in concrete. He comes back in, I sit in the couch and contemplate once again about perfect imperfections.
I go to my room, get my books out and pass out. 5 hours later I wake up and study for I have a quiz tomorrow. At this point, i loose concentration. I got to livejournal communities and say some random shit, and decide to read watch some teli. I pass out again! I wake up in time to go to the LAB and work. Im honestly getting sick of running gels and plasmids...but i love it. So how can i be sick of something and love it at the same time? I dont know!
I come back home...check e-mail...See opportunity regarding an internship for a pharmaceutical company...I request more info. I hope i get it!
Then I study. I go out with the BF, whom I met accidentally (haha its a private and somewhat elicit entry). We go to the tidepools, cuz of school. DO NOT POKE THE ANIMALS! OR TAKE ANYTHING FROM THE POOLS! AND ALWAYS BE AWARE OF THE TIDES. So we walk along the beach, I chase my dog, instead of it being the oher way around.
We come back home and get busy before the room-mate gets back. HAHA gay-sex on the living room's couch! My room mate is sitting on it right now.
So now, im sitting here, testing my memory, to see how much of today I can clearly remember. Looking back it seems kinda boring, but the minor details are what make it worth-wile. I should really be studying but i dont feel like it. No point in studying when ur mind is not on it.
Also, I think (and perhaps hope?) that one of my LAB TA's is gay. I might have seen him on a porno. lol. Thats a turn-on. A PhD candidate that makes porn for a, its not him.
shit! i forgot to go to my 2pm class.
Shit for the day:
Hedonism: (according to my phil. class) Aristotle says that the GOOD is pleasure. And it is perceived by all animals except plants, because plantsare not capable of perception.
One dead oppossum.
Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Book III Ch. 3:
-"We have found, then, that what we decide to do is whtever action among those up to us we deliberate about and desire to do. Hence also decision will be deliberative desire to do an action that is up to us; for when we have judged ,that it is right. as a result of deliberation, our desire to do it expresses our wish." understand this we must understand the what it means to decide, to act, to deliberate and to desire!
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