In the beginning, God said, "Let epsilon be greater than 0..."

Oct 17, 2007 20:40

And God said, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of arithmetic algebra, out of the land of Euclidean geometry:

Thou shalt not divide by zero.

Thou shalt not put other textbooks before thee in maths class.

Thou shalt show thy work; check thy work and confirm that thy results are reasonable.

Remember thy test days and prepare for them wholly.

Thou shalt honour the correct order of operations.

Thou shalt not do thy maths homework in ink.

Thou shalt commit the facts of arithmetic to memory.

Thou shalt do unto one side of an equation what thou doest to the other.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy original problems; thou shalt copy thy problems accurately and legibly.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's paper, not anything that is thy neighbor's."

When the people saw the derivatives and geometric constructions and heard the Linear Algebra students' torment, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Leibniz, "Speak to us yourself and we shall listen. But do not have the creator of Mathematics speak to us, lest the vast amount of information expand our minds so greatly such that our heads shall explode."
I actually do like maths. Just not lectures. And stupid exercises that don't make sense. And going to uni just for one lecture.

I'm liking Game Theory at the moment. If I can scrape through the exam on Game Theory and Coding Theory and ignore Multiparameter Bifurcation Theory, that'll be good. 
I think I actually would get Bifurcation if we didn't have Eugene. Somehow I got 14 marks in the test without doing any of it. I was in there for 5 minutes, doodling on the paper. I think he makes up numbers for marks. And he probably marks the same way he lectures: with his eyes closed.

In the beginning, Math was without form, and void.

And the LORD said, "Let there be numbers." And God saw the numbers, and they were good: and God divided the Rationals from the Irrationals. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And God said, "Let there be an additive identity, such that all numbers added to it remain unchanged, and let there be a multiplicative identity, such that all numbers multiplied by it remain unchanged." And God made the additive identity and multiplicative identity. And he separated the numbers below the additive identity from those above it, and negative and positive he made them: and it was so. And God called the additive identity Zero, and the multiplicative identity One. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

And God said, Let the rationals be separated, that those divided not by the multiplicative inverse be gathered into one place, and let the whole numbers appear: and it was so. And God called the whole numbers Integers; and the gathering of those divided not by the multiplicative inverse called he Fractions: and God saw that it was good.

And God said, Let the numbers bring forth an ordering, that each number shall divide all others; and each number shall be greater or lesser than all others; and between any two numbers there shall be another number; and each number shall have a multiplicative and additive inverse, except Zero. And the numbers brought forth an ordering, that each number divded all others; and each number was greater or lesser than all others; and between each number there was another number; and each number had a multiplicative and additive inverse, except Zero. God saw the ordering, and called it the real number line. And the evening and the morning were the third day.

And God said, Let the numbers be divided between the Reals and the Complex; and let there be a square root of negative one, to rule over the complex; and let all numbers dwell on the plane of the two; and let the axes meet only at Zero.

And God went to Zero and said, "Behold, you are Zero, My additive identity. None shall come to you to be added and remain unchanged, and any who come to you to be multiplied shall be destroyed; but none shall come to you to be divided, for you are Zero and I have appointed you to be the most special of all numbers: You alone of all numbers shall have no multiplicative inverse, shall be both complex and real, shall be both positive and negative."

And God made two great axes: the real to order the Reals, and the imaginary to order the Complex. And the axes were set at Zero, to give order to all Numbers: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

And God said, Let the irrationals bring forth the great constants that define the circle, exponential growth, and beauty, and functions whose derivatives follow after their kind. And God created the great constants that defined the circle, exponential growth, and beauty, and functions whose derivatives followed after their kind: and God saw that it was good.

And God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the real number line with irrationals." And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

And God said, Let the integers bring forth the primes, the sequences, the evens and the odds after his kind: and it was so.

And God made the primes after their kind, the sequences after their kind, and the evens and every odd number after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

And God said, Let us make the Mathematician in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over all the fractions and the irrationals, the functions and the sequences, over all the primes, and every even and odd number in the set of Integers, and the numbers that dwell in the Complex plane.

So God created the Mathematician in His image, in the image of God he created them; applied and pure he made them.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and prove, and fill the world with theorems, and bind it to order: and have dominion over all the fractions and the irrationals, the functions and the sequences, over all the primes, and every even and odd number in the set of Integers, and the numbers that dwell in the Complex plane."

And God said "Behold, I have given you the reals and the complexes, and the complete ordered field; I have given you the complex plane, and the axioms of algebra. To you it shall be for proofs."

And God saw everything He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
(I got these things from my new Facebook group :D)

game theory, maths, eugen

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