Words of Will part 3

Oct 27, 2004 02:27

Come to think of it i only remember him beeating the hell out of somebody once but ill talk about that later. Simon was another guy in our group and we spent alot of nights at his place getting drunk and doing drugs. he was 3 years younger than me and 2 years younger than UG. Simon grew up in WF and his parents were ex coke addict alchoholics. his little sister was a fucking psycho to. every one of us would clash with her. she would annoy the FUCK out of me and laugh cuz she was simons sister and new i wouldnt do anything. one day her and i were bickering as usual while i was using my knife to cut some string or something. she pissed me off and i shot my mouth off and called her a bitch. then she spit in my face and started laughing. everything went white hot again and both UG and simon knew if they didn't jump me right then we were going to have a corpse to hide. I jumped for her ready to stab untill she was unrecognizable but i was stoppedby simon who tackled my waisteand the bone of UGs hand as it stopped my blade. I was pissed at them for stopping me but looking back im glad they did. i don't feel bad about the scar on UGs hand either. what the hell did he expect putting his hand in front of a thirsty blade? simons sister ran off screaming bloody murder coincidently. they held me down saying they would roll me a fat joint to ease my nerves. I didnt want it. it would have only pissed me off more. they offered everything they had from booze to money but i wasn't having any of it. UG pulled out a pill bottleand said theyd let me up if i took one and waited half an hour. UG was kind of a psuedopharmacist with all the leftover pills from his doc that he never took. I had taken lots of different pills from different people but they never did anything. i agreed to take one and wait because i have a horrible fear of being restrained. all i had to do was take this useless pill, wait half and hour, and then i could kill me some little sister. the pill turned out NOT to be useless at ALL. it fucked my world up and i couldn't tell if it was in a good way or bad. i was seeing crosseyed and sluring my words but it wasn't like being drunk at all. i was so busy wondering what the fuck was going on that i forgot about his little sister entirely. the next day i woke up feeling pretty good and he told me that it was a hefty dose of ativan. i did any drug they would. not cuz it made me feel good or anything but just cuz i could and it was usually free. Simon did them cuz he was using them as an escape from his homelife and UG just wanted to feel different then he normally feltwhich he said was bad. simon also had alot of guns or his parents did. they were real big into hunting and stuff. before long we all got ahold of some bb guns and started shooting up everything in sight whether it moved or didn't. Simon and UG were crackshots with anything they picked up. UG was even really good with a slingshot. we'd be out walking around at night lookin for a place to smoke and when we found it he would shoot out all the surrounding street lights with that thing. when we started shooting guns simon was the best, UG, was alright, and i was the worst. after a couple weeks UG was a crackshot, simon too, and i was starting to get decent with it. while simon and UG could snipe with a pistol i relied on the spray and pray method.
Another member of the groupd was max. He came in later and i dont know why we kept him around. i think it was cuz if everybody else was busy or wasnt home we would go to max's house to kill time. he was annoying and imature and more reckless than me. UG used to say that some day max would get himself either killed or arrested just cuz thats how he was. Max was an only child and had the syndrome to back it up. his parents were hardle ever home or sober and gave him whatever he wanted just to shut him up. when he started hanging out with us i could tell he wouldnt be around forever. UG knew it too but rarely talked about it. so we were four armed and dangerous teenagers. things plateaued there untill UG got his car. Then we met billy and the shit really hit the fan.
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