(no subject)

May 07, 2004 18:09

My poor kitty jumped down from her kitty tree to greet me and she wiped out. Her back legs slipped and she fell on her ass, but got right up. She's 10 years old now and probably discovering new physical limitations. Her frisky kitty days are far behind her. I felt so bad.

I saw this on someone else's page and thought I'd give it a try. I sometimes think I can pull off the Jedi mind trick, but then think I'm just fooling myself. This quiz, however, says I'm like an enzyme, so it MUST be true.

You are an enzyme. You are powerful, dark,
variable, and can change many things at your
whim...even when they're not supposed to be
changed. Bad you. You can be dangerous or
wonderful; it's your choice.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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