Jun 23, 2008 21:11
Finally it's over and I have a chance to relax and recuperate. My final exam was today. I think I did OK. I was confident with most of my answers and only had to get a few. My confidence was severely damaged by the results of my essay for the subject, which I got back beforehand. I got a 50, which is pretty horrifying, considering I thought I'd done alright for it. Luckily I got a credit for the lab report and an HD for the tutorial quiz. I'm hoping I did well enough in the exam to get a credit for this subject. A distinction would be nice, but that would require an HD on the exam. Anyway, enough of this worrying, that's for semester time, which is finished now.
I have a week to doss around before going back home for a couple of weeks on Saturday, for which I will enjoy veging out, playing computer games, reading, relaxing, catching a film maybe and generally not having to study or stress about assessments. Bliss.