'tis the (%$#^&) season

Dec 04, 2004 14:38

Unfortunately, thats right. Its the season. For a fat guy to break into your homes, leave you gifts created by his slaves, and then leave. And you (the normal people) to wake up and smell the christmas flavored coffee.

Needless to say, there are some benefits of the christmas season.

1) Presents
2) Presents
3) Presents

and on and on.

But as with all good things, there are bad things.

1) eggnog (wtf is this shit anyways?!)
2) everyone being happy. (and have you noticed that people are nice only this time of year)
3) grandparents (not all grandparents are creepy old rich people. Some are actually very nice)

and on and on.

But why does everyone act nice one time a year? Is it the fact that Santa is watching this time of year? YES. But wouldn't he be watching all the rest of the year, and seeing you pot-heads smokin pot, smokers smoking, drinkers drinking, etc etc.

But, as most of us know. Santa isn't real. Sorry little kids, your parents lied to you, as their parents lied to them. But just because they lied to you, and you will probably lie to your kids, does that make it right?

Correct answer: NO

"Santa is always watching"
"Stop believing, stop recieving"
etc etc

I've stopped believing since 5th grade. And I still get gifts.
Take that bitch.

Plus, most kids can't sleep on christmas eve. If they were to go downstairs (sneaking, of course) and see their parents actually putting the gifts under the trees, they would finally open their eyes and see that they've been lied to since they were born.

1) Open your eyes
2) Santa aint real
3) be yourself, not nice
4) fuck off
and finally
5) don't whine because I ruined your little kids holidays, because I said there was no santa. It's the truth, and you know it.

Why do we continue to lie to ourselves, (well, why do ya'll lie to yourselves) and say Santa this, Santa that?

It's fucking bullshit.
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