Stream Of Consciousness (15/11/2010)

Nov 17, 2010 00:35

Woah, woah, time for RAW. Yay. god. Wtf.
Okay, I had to double check if I got the right torrent >D
I got to say I'm not too much excited about this 3 hour oldschool RAW. It's an awesome idea, but we all know WWE will turn it into some show with old dudes with no mic skillz but lame jokes. Hoo-ray.
Someone didn't turned on Coles Mic. Whoever that was was a GENIUS. Lol.
VINTAGE RAW!! Of course he had to say that.
I love how every new fan and every mark doesn't get the me. Uhm... weirdness.
Dear Justin Roberts, really, it doesn't matter what you wear cause all that matters is your awesome voice but...BAHAHAHA.
Of course the show has to start with an Orton....>D
And there are the bad mic skillz.
Papa Orton (C WHUT I DID THERE?) has the biggest ears on this planet.
I want Papa Orton, Papa Runnels and Papa Dibiase to form a Legacy. BAHAHA.
Lol yeah, like Randy would forget when the show starts. Maybe he was just busy with some other superstar...*coughJOHNCENAcough* Training and stuff.
LOL STORIES ABOUT KID RANDAL. BAHAHA. Randy will not like this.
Lol, no pop for John's name but a BOOO for saying his career'll end. Wtf, crowd.
ERGH, hiccough...
Oldschool heel vs newschool heel. Anybody but me thinking about Papa Orton in the old days and how old Barrett was back then? Pretty sure Bob would have spanked  his ass :DD
"Hey, give me a break, would you?" :D <3
Miz? Wtf. Now it's oldschool-great-mic-skillz versus newschool-great-mic-skillz. This will be interesting.
Wow, Bob does have Randys eyes. No, Randy has Bobs eyes....
"Miz! Miz! Miz! EY!" :D JOOOOOHN <3
Poor dumb fans. That's taped. He can't hear you.
"I'ts fascinating, actually." <3
"Trust me, I'll protect you." WTF John/Wade O_O
A-Ry whispering to Miz <3 Aww, the love.
"Wonderful." *DIMPLES POWER* - Everybody: *defenseless* ...

WTF backstage comments of the superstars during their entrance xDD Oh, Oldschool, you so funny.
BAHAHAHAHAHA OMG *falls off the chair* 
Love how they show the D: faces of the guys XDDD
Mini fangirls. Wtf.
Wtf, I catch myself still thinking that this might be an old match or something. Lawl, oldschool ring and all confuses me. :D
LOL Mark throwing kisses at Vicky. I don't know if I should cheer or be disgusted XDD
Maaaaaaaark <3
Chocolate chants? Lol.
Proves that a) Mark Henry deserves a push (yeah, hate on me, I don't care) and b) those oldschool themes and sexual things entertain the crowd like crazy.
"They lool like Chippendales dancers" ... Strippers, Cole. Chippendales are strippers. Pretty gay looking strippers I should add.
... *watches a Chippendales video* ... Uhm, I'd chose Sheamus over them any day >D He's better looking, better trained and MANLY.

They chant CENA during the match. Wtf. NOBODY cares about the tag team championchips.
I don't care either.

LAWL smirking!Randal with proud!Bob in the background. Now THAT'S oldschool to me :D <3
I love his hair. I L O V E his hair. I'm totally and utterly happy that he grows it back. Don't you shave it, Randal. I don't care that it annoys you, it looks so much better :D Plus, you look so much younger. RAWR.
Dear R-Truth. We're no friends and I hardly doubt that we'll ever be. But if you continue to disturb my moments with Randal or John or CENTON...then we're enemies and I'll go for your blood. Kthxbye, Anna
Dear Daddy. Sometimes I think you have invented the sex. Then again, you might have. Please...never stop being so sexy. Just looking at you makes me think I just get laid.
Shaky mic is shaky.

I'm totally sure Justin Roberts has a fanboy-moment right now :D Howard Finkel! Yay!
Lol, anybody but me sees Justin practicing to announce Howard Finkel in front of his mirror 346346 times? xDD
Thank you, Cole, for saying out loud what I think.
I love your nasty laughter. >D
EZEKIEL. <3 I'm probably your only fan BUT THAT DOES NOT MATTER I WUV YOUUUU.
I still think his theme is one of the sexiest in the roster:

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Maaaaaaan... *non-pg thoughts*

"What do you want?" 
Isn't he precious? <3
His voice is weird on that tape...
"Easy Husky! Don't move, McGillicutty!" I can totally handle my boy alone. Kthxbye >D
"Randy and I, we have history..." *dies at coughing* "He knows I'm a simple man." WHAT? "If he wants some, he can get some." WTF CENTON YOU WRITE YOURSELF WHY AM I EVEN WRITING FIC?!
LOL McGillicutty is all "...What?"

I love how everybody talks about John SCREWING Randy on Sunday. Bahaha.
Bouncy!John <3
Anybody but me thinks John gets fired and comes back shortly after it?
Hat-throw-FAIL. Lawl, Johnny, we gotta pratice that.
Haha, he's so cute.
John just loves wigs :D
AWWW when he looks into the camera, I fall in love with him all over again. John-John. You're the best guy I ever loved.

Miiiiiiz. You and your sexy theme. And your sexy slave.
I miss the Miz - Cena- Feud. That was great. Although I hated Miz back then xD
"If the GM doesn't have a problem with it..." Cole so just pulled the plug of that laptop.
Uhm, did John cut his hair for this oldschool episode?
Is that a celtic cross on A-Rys back?
"And A-bomb from A-Ry!" Oh, Cole xD
In your face, Mizzy. In your face.
Awwww, Miz caring for Alex like for a hurt dog.
Go get Miz! Go get him!!
Lawl, I love how John was all "Oh no, you're not gonna cash in that briefcase on my baby..." and Randy's all "Oh no, you not gonna attack my baby!!" xDD Awww.
Eurrrghwwwhrrr, Nexus. And John's all "Guys, I told you not to come down here." *SIGH*

They eyes lock and the tension is TOUCHABLE. It's like the whole world ends when they look into each others eyes. Nothing, no one else matters then. Just them.
Aaaaaand Randal strips. Wow. Centon. Like IN YOUR FACES, fans. It couldn't be more obvious AND pg.
WHY is this song playing in my head and probably in Randys too?

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Oh, that's right....cause it's READABLE in Randys eyes.
Wtf, Daddy didn't you shave yourself?
"CENA AND ORTON EXCHANGING BLOWS!!" ... Cole is in shipper mode. Once again.
"C'MON! C'MON!!!" God, I love when Randy's like that.
They need EIGHT people to tear them apart. EIGHT.
"WHAT U GONNA DO? WHAT YOU GONNA DO?!!" God, love Centon!Randy.
Nope Randy didn't shave. And he gotta prove to all of us that he's still the master of the eyefuck.
Oh, god, the fic ideas.
Great, WWE. Last time Randy saw Roddy Piper, he RKO'd him in New York. Just saying.

Man that oldschool logo is so spacy xD
Man, that horn theme is so annoying.

Yeah, let's hear the sowjet anthem, since the SOWJET IS IN THE PAST AND NOT THERE ANYMORE.
WWE's portrayal of other cultures is humiliating.
"IZ OKEEEH?!!!!" Dear Vladimir. Please... *deleted because non-pg-ness*
*laughs* *coughs* *laughs* Aww, they look like Dad and Son :D
Can't wait to hear him sing <3
His smile makes me melt.
Oh god. XD
First time Santino feels embarassed for somebody else.
Now we got lip-syncing too -____-"
Wow, they really throw random people at us like crazy. Like I expected.
U LOOK GREAT. Man, why do my curls never look like that? .___. *cries*
*only listens to the match cause she's packing her school bag*
Cole: "bla bla bla OH MY - SHEAMUS!!!!!"
BOOM BROGUE KICK OUT OF NOWHERE. Damn, I don't know how he does that, but he's a super pale, giant ninja. Idk how that's possible, but he's invisible when he wants to.
SMILE!PREDATORY!SHEAMUS. Bye... bye... panties.
JoMo. This is getting boring. Why can't Sheamus beat him up just ONCE?
Last time they were in a match Sheamus almost killed JoMo. Why can't he beat him up outside a match? WWE-storylines, you make no sense.
"YOU'RE A BULLY, SHEAMUS!!!" UUuuuuuuuh, that was SO insulting. I'm sure you hurt his feelings... NOT.
Tzk. Celts never walk away.

I thought I'd never say this, but David Otunga and I share the same face expression right now. All WTFFFFFF!!??

Again, I'm not watching and Sheamus appears. WTF U SO NINJA HUBBY.
"He yelled at a girl in Milan for messing up his cappuccino..." Actually, then he had a good reason to yell at her. And I can totally picturing him doing that. XD <3
Daaaaaaang, that breathing is sexy³³³.
"Whun he wayks oop ya can tell heem oi accept his challenge for eh meetch... at soovivor seriez!" EPIC WIN.
*laughs about JoMo getting what he deserves*
Hubby has a random match at SS :D

Aksana, you're so stupid o__o And so random.
"You have been a naughty girl!" O_O ... HMGNNNNRRR....
TEDDY SR. Omg, I wuv you, sir :D
I saw all the fangirls coming all over LJ for beard, but, really? xD
March will not like me for this, but I think he should shave. It looks like he's TRYING to grow a beard like Sheamus. And I can see Sheamus laughing about that mini-beard of Ted xDDD
No, really, why isn't anybody shaving anymore? Is it out of fashion, once again? 
Don't get me wrong, I love beards. Trimmed ones, like Sheamus'. Rawr. But not those "Oh, I was too lazy to shave the last 346345 days."
Is this a gimmick change? Cause I'd love a gimmick change of Teddybear.
Lol, the slight Codiasi.
*shakes head* "Don't breath on me!" LOL CODY WIN
Dusty xD
So...that's WWE's idea of an oldschool special of Monday Night RAW? Oldschool people DANCING backstage?
Cole, I wuv you - once again - for saying out loud what I think.
THERE'S A GINGER BEHIND COLE .... O____O I  haz a ginger radar now? That kink is getting a little out of control.
That ginger just blew a kiss to me o____o I'm not even kidding.

Hmmm, Wade. <3

"That is the WORST Mr. McMahon impersonation I've EVER seen." True. xD And I mean, we've seen Trips doing it xDD He was great, no doubt about that.
Lol, King choking Cole. FIRE HIM FIRE HIM
"John Travolta, where is he?" LAWL.
Sgt. Slaughter. Not even his name is PG xD
Wade <3

Mae Young is my heroine.
Natalya! Gail, Eve and Melina. Actually the only divas I can stand (except Beth YOU'RE BEING MISSED!!)

JR!!! Finally someone I actually know.
Lawl, JR ignoring Cole.
*dies laughing at Cole lying on the table like me in school* XDD "OhmygodwhyamIhere..."
Bryan is the only one who takes the oldschool-thing serious.

Okay, me no likey that you have to attack Bryan but YAAAY GIMMICK CHANGE.
*pulls out golden nail polish* Just for you, Teddy, just for you.
Ah, Maryse, you're so attractive, it's depressing.

Lawl, JR hitting Cole.

What a mix of characters. xD
Ted sr is definitely my favourite.
Oh god, crowd, I wish you diarrhea for not cheering. D: Fuck those kids. I mean, I hardly know those guys, but I do know about respect and what they did for the WWE.
Lol, the camera man running through the beautiful picture. He gets killed for that after the show >D

BAGPIPES!!! ... I mean Roddy Piper, yeah oO
So instead of replaying non-pg stuff we gonna talk about it? wtf.
Lol, at Roddy actually criticising the pg-ness....a bit.
"You're're a big guy..." XDD
John stands there like a schoolboy.
Great mic skillz. I'm impressed. Great scene. A glimpse of the potential of the great storylines WWE COULD create.
I give John two minutes to be on the edge of tears.
Okay, it didn't took him two minutes xD AWWWW. <3
*squeaks* *realizes it's in the middle of the night* o__O Sorry, neighbours.
"Never give up!!" - "You're damn right."
OHMYGOD. Aaaaaah, heartbreak.
Oooohkay o___O Why would you say what's going to happen right before the PPV? Actually, this is almost a guarantee that it will not happen like this.
Wade. Y u ruining my Centon. Again.
"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!" Lol, Wade found his master.
And John's laughing xDD
John's a schoolboy, Wade's a schoolboy and Rowdy is the teacher that pulls them apart during a fight and punishes whoever caused the fight xD <3
Kudos to Wade for keeping a straight face. He has a hard time, I can see that.
LOL WADE. The first true words from you since 35645654 weeks. You SHOULD have put the shirt on him right-away.
"Put that MONSTROSITY that you're wearing off...." Thank you for saying that. Cause John's shirt IS totally ugly. And nobody complaints when John takes off his shirt anyways >D
....Where's Randal?
John in black. Ohmygod how I missed this. Looks sooooo good.
John's arms are insane. If he's not on steroids, I don't know who is. Sorry, John, I love you, but I really really care for your health too.

God, finally. And now Randy is all "You make my baby strip in front of you AND want my title? Die. Die, slowly."
And all he stares at is John. Wade is your opponent, Randy. Wade. That black haired guy. 
*snorts* Randy turns his back on Wade to speak to John. He's all I'M NOT TAKEN YOU SERIOUSLY in his face. Lawl.
Aaaaand now there will be Centon all over my screen.
"All I could think about..." was you.
God, all those years. They're PERFECT together on the mic. They're one person. They know each other so well.
LOL JOHN. Just walking between them. Like it's nothing. He's no fear. He's probably the only one who never feared the Viper. Never.
And Randys expression.
Damn, John, you look great in that shirt.
Aaaah, twisted love.

Let's sum this up:
Oldschool thing:  It wasn't that lame, but it wasn't entertaining either.
Sheamus: KILL JOMO AT SS!! DO IT!!
Centon: Yes please. As always.
Rest: Meh.

stream of consciousness

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