I have been out of it a lot lately. I have just been constantly tired, drained, and not myself. Sorry kids, it's because I have so much on my plate. I know guard and school doesn't seem like much, but good lord, they are both huge committments.
This weekend was guard filled, of course! Saturday we had the Colonial competition. A group of us went to Planet Hollywood in Otown to grab some grub, then hit the show. Our actual performance was pretty good, not too shabby. We had a lot of drops though, which makes me mad because so far I have had a dropless season! (Knock on wood). Whatever, hopefully everyone gets their acts together.
Sunday we had practice with the lovely Michael James. He taught us some really freaking awesome sabre work!!! ahhhh, that section of the show is going to be my favorite, I can tell. I think the audience will get into it too, which will help us since we all know that guardies feed off of the response they get. : ) We practiced with the umbrellas today, and I just want our whole show to be done already! I really think the final product will be awesome, and I can't wait for April.
I feel like I have nothing to talk about anymore besides guard and school, guard and school. I really need some time to myself, to figure out what is going on with me and how to fix it to be back to normal. I think a visit to Tallahassee to see Lisa will do the trick. Soon my sister, soon!
Oh, Mary and Willie decided to add Friday practices, so peace out St. Pete friends. I know I never get to see any of yall anymore, I apologize. On weekends when we have competitions my whole weekend will be dedicated to guard. Friday-practice after school, Saturday-competition all day, Sunday-practice all day. I better find some time to get some homework in there so I don't drop out, hah.
Well, why am I writing in here when I need to go work on some homework!? ahhhhh, my life is in a vicious cycle!!! See yall later!
Oh, here are some pictures from this weekend...
Donald and Jen were mad I had no pictures of them on my camera. Well, there she blows!! :)
It only took us three tries to have Jarrod actually NOT blink while the picture was being taken. hahahha, silly fool.
The acceptance letters of Lisa and I next to each other. Hey, I thought it was cool!