(no subject)

Aug 27, 2008 19:01

Oh DNC don't change.

Awesome things that came from my new fandom:

1) New knowledge about Ted Kennedy and the many ways he rocks (and sometimes falls short).

2) Doing follow up research on Dennis Kucinich makes me think me think he's the man. I mean I didn't ever think he would get the nom...he's too leftist. But I like my politicians more than a little leftist. What I love was that in the debates he refused to allow the host to curtail and manage his responses and was always talking over them. That shit is fly. He's like a White version of Al Sharpton or Rev. Jesse Jackson (up until a month ago at least) fearless, a little crazy, and a lot reactionary (and also never going to be nominated to be the President of the US).

3) Watching Kucinich calling for impreachment had me watching different corruption hearings on cspan for half the afternoon--i am so productive at work. Now I have much more love for: Barbara Boxer and Hilda Solis.

4) Jimmy Carter is like the best ever. He's just quiet and straight forward and awesome--you know not as a president or anything. But as a humanitarian and a world citizen. I would be more upset that he wasn't speaking except that he truly doesn't seem to give a shit. He's all--my point is to talk about what's still happening in the gulf coast. vote obama.  i'm gonna go build some more houses and do some real work. <-- which = awesome IMO.

5) I finally learned why the fuck they kept calling Sen. Obama the presumptive nominee. hehe.

6) Sen. Clinton's speech keeps growing on me. She's an excellent orator. lol...i think she might still have ambitions for the white house but really if she were able to create a record for herself that was less stained by don't ask don't tell; nafta, and clinton's shitty welfare reform i might not be so vehemently against her. Unless cynthia mckinney runs again. then all bet are off.

7) Mark Warner is underwhelming. I think traditionally people who give the keynote are likely to become the next dem nominee. he probably realizes that when Sen. Obama wins he's going to be in office two terms (why would you not reelect him?) and so he figures he has time and he can work on his speechifying. because yeah, hillary's speech to a dump on his speech. (omg explicit)

8) george bush is the greatest swindler that the white house has ever seen. he's is the epitome of the 50 cent lyric:

Step on grapes put in water and tell you its wine
If you analyze me, what you'll find is the DNA of a crook

9)I don't think I'll ever even approach being a republican. and not just because i'm a black bisexual feminist. i just don't think that i'll ever agree with the ideologies of conservative politics.

10) i learned absolutely nothing about the infrastructure of the us government in high school. its much more interesting than I have always thought.

cynthia mckinney, the best example of why impeachment is n, dennis the menace, da carter--the other one though, senator clinton, barack obama is bringing sexy back, dnc, ted=edward

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