
Jul 22, 2005 18:41

Sed and I are back together. I guess technically we have been for a few weeks; but I am still making him work for it for the time being. We are happy. Although I feel like he may be a little happier or more content than I am. I am feeling a little removed from the situation right now. I guess it is really just a way to guard to myself. My mom is still borrowing my car, but hopefully my parents will be able to get theirs fixed soon. Sed and I may lend them so money to do so. My parents and April are two months behind on their rent so they are getting evicted. And since I allowed my name to be put on the lease so that they could move in, it is going to go on my credit unless I can find some way to get in transfered over into one of their names. It really sucks. Here I am trying to get my life together and they are ruining it. I cannot believe how much debt my family has put in it. They are so selfish. Other than that I am excited about school and the possibilites it opens up, and really excited that Sarah and I will be going together. I cannot wait till December for our Washington trip and for March when I go and visit Lisa in San Fransico. I really need to get out of Winston for a while. I am debating on getting this great camera that I want or a laptop. I already have a pretty good computer so I do not really need another one. But it would be nice to not always have to do work in the library or at home. It would be awesome to be able to go to Borders or something. My birthday is coming up. (Aug 16!!!!) Sed, Sarah, Norm, and I are going to Busch Gardens the weekend before. I also think I may try to convince Sed to either chip in for a video camera for me or on something a little chipper like a CD player for my car. We'll see. Anyways thats it for now.
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