Such a Voice

May 26, 2008 20:24

A good voice will do some damage, I found myself saying that to Graham moments ago. Of course there is a certain octive or sound or melody that can make us swoon, turn us on, calm us, make us sad, happy or angry. The human voice is no different. But with that voice there becomes an emotional attachement.  A voice can do all those things to us quickly and flawlessly. Certain voices to do certain things. For most of us we all have in our memory, a voice if not voices. A voice of a soothing parent, sexually charged or powerful lover. A voice attached to every memory. Even for every feeling. Hell most of us have heard in our minds as adults, the voices of our parents telling us not to do anything stupid. This all occurred to me as I wondered if one could be considered beautiful simply for a voice. A sweet voice telling you that they love you and convincing you not to leave, or to not be angry. Who can deny something so seemingly sweet? Though I'm sure when I look at the person who brought this to mind there are probably other reasons that people would give for the affection this person receives, but I personally do not see those reasons, only hearing the beautiful voice, so perhaps who needs the reasons.  But I know that I for one, feel like this with voices. I listen to Graham talk to me and sing and laugh heartily and I'm genuinely happy. And in my head I can hear my dad telling me how to do things and not to do anything stupid. And I can hear my brother and sister laughing and my mother calming me after tears. It's all in my head. I'm not mad, because I know that's what it sounds like. Hearing voices and all that. But they aren't telling me to go out and do anything either, so I'll let you know when that happens, then I can be called mad. Ha ha ha.

happy, voice, memory, beautiful, graham

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