This past Tuesday my club had their debates for a new president. The candids are Bryan, Sean and Sam (Samantha).
I made a video of it on my phone that I'm posting up on youtube into three parts: Finance, Character and Audience Q&A. Since the volume of the video is low except for my loud annoying laughter. Well yours would be too if you were the one holding the phone. So bite me.
Below are the categorizes with the questions and responses. Have a happy reading.
Video Would you like to be informed on the club funds now and then or during a fundraiser?
Bryan: Oh um I would like to be known but I would know what we have what we still have. So we could do things like we were planning a trip or going to a convention and stuff. So I know what we have and what we need to raise to have that money to do it.
Sean: I would like a weekly report at all costs and that's it.
Sam: Um Now and then. That way you have a generally idea of what's going at all times especially stuff we do.
From a Presidential standpoint is there more that you think you need to do more than Treasurer?
Sean: Sure.
Sam: Well not necessary more as much as sharing the work equally. So that everyone knows what’s going on at all times. And not one person is getting winded down with too much work.
Bryan: Basically what Sam said but in um as I don’t believe there is much need of the President needing to do so much of that because it’s the Treasurer’s responsibility but I would like to know somewhat what’s going on.
Is it ok for anyone in the club to donate a large sum of money to ask for special favors like of bending convention rules or free food at bake sales and so on and so farther?
Bryan: I don’t believe that like if you donate such and such amount of money it ah all I’m going to be telling that person is Thank you. And I would explain to the person he/she that there is no there is nothing special I’m not going to bend so these rules that have been in place for since the club has been around basically. Because I don’t believe in that so. . So basically no.
Sean: Of the convention, changing of the rules are not going to be taken that far and the bake sale sure whatever pass the stuff.
Sam: No a donation is a gift it doesn’t require anything in return. If they want something back in return I’ll give them a sign says, “Woo.”
Should the person who donates money to the club demand their money back if they leave the club on bad terms?
Sam: Like before a donation is donation.
Bryan: Basically the same thing.
Sean: Yeah
Would you do more fundraisers that may use some or a lot of the club funds?
Sean: I think we should for our club event or fundraisers we should spent as little as possible. I would like more detail of how much money and then the prices of it so we figure out a certain amount to make a profit.
Sam: Basically there is a lot of fundraisers we haven’t tried. We got a lot of bake sale this year but we are missing like car washes. Rummage sales we use to do really well at rummage sale and that doesn’t cost us anything to just bring our stuff to somewhere. So the ultimate idea would be to do a fundraiser where we didn’t have to spent anything but things only work optimally minimum spending as possible.
Bryan: I agree with what they say because if you spent like say we have a $100 and spent that $100 on what ever we are doing and on the rate of money we don’t get that same amount from that bake sale or what ever it is. You just wasted $100.
Video What will your style of leading this club be after my leaving of the club?
Bryan: Well basically, it be mainly the same. We’re going to be watching anime movies what ever you guys want. We’ll make a selection from what we watch and see who likes what and come up things to do that you want to do.
Sean: I don’t think I can do as good as you and I would like to watch more anime than just one over a period.
Sam: Pretty much the same I might tweak things here and there. But really you know just anime and not same series maybe get some more shojo type of anime. We are watching a lot of. . I know there are a lot guys in the club but we got to be sensitive to everybody. Maybe do something where everyone like once a week so they can bring in an anime they like and we can watch that one. That way everyone picks a genre they like.
Is it important to listen to everyone in the club on a decision before it’s fully made?
Sean: The answer to that I would have to say yes.
Sam: Absolutely. Because if you have happy club members it’s a happy club. And you have happy club members because they’re giving their view and getting to watch what you think.
Bryan: So if there is a congestion going on and you have to find out how everyone is thinking about it. And so we could understand or what I can understand of what everyone’s feelings are on what ever it is.
Would you keep a piece of info either small or large from the club if you personally believed it to do no harm?
Sam: No because you would be hiding things that would be truthfully wrong.
Bryan: No I don’t see a reason to.
Sean: I have nothing to hide. I would give a day by day description of my headings.
Is it ok for the President to canter to one person like special treatment such as postpone a club event or fundraiser so a person can make it to that event or events?
Bryan: No. If we already decided to hold a bake sale on Thursday and such and such person can’t come too bad.
Sean: It depends. On certain events, I know we rely on some people some more than others.
Sam: Well that’s definitely a gray area. Because I know if it’s the last day of and blab blab I can’t come. That’s really not my problem. Figure said so we can’t really do anything. If it’s given well in advance and things are still changeable yeah kind of maybe if it’s workable. And definitely maybe like you have to go out of state because someone in your family sick or you have a religious reason or again with enough notice it won’t be a problem either way.
What would you do better than what I have done?
Sean: I’m not sure you’re any better.
Sam: You know you did a really good job. But one thing I won’t mind changing what I got personally have is to have over the summer to have a set date and time for the meeting already. So when people are doing their schedule they can keep that time open so we won’t have the issue of “Well I want to come but I can’t.” That way you know everyone know this is the time and these are the classes I need how can I work it. And that way everyone can come to the meeting. That’s one thing we can of need when you don’t.
Bryan: I have to agree with that because like JJ can’t come to the meetings and the members that signed up at the last club rush signed up and they don’t come because they are busy on Tuesdays or when ever we have these meetings. So I would want to find a time were everyone can come.
Audience questions
Video What would you do differently at club rush that you didn’t do this time that maybe you should try next time?
Sam: Well I think we do pretty good with it. I would like the see more people kind of show up in costume. Because that’s a real attention grabber. It really is me and Amanda shown up in costume and we get stopped a lot and asked. And maybe if it’s ok with other club members to extend our club rush to the Sanford campus because there are a lot more people in that campus than there are here. *Audience interacting with the answer and agreeing with it* A lot of classes they offer over there and not here so a lot of people don’t even know we exist. Maybe extending of club that way and saying “Hey We here. You got to drive over its just 20 minutes on the Greenway. Come we love you all.”
Bryan: Um the club rush I went to the last one and basically was in charge for just that one. We should have like the costumes and the members. Um have a photo album to show what the club is doing and stuff. And show some anime playing just to show something that we watch. And basically show our history of the club to the new members.
*More audience interacting with the answer about that he was describing a job called a Club Historian also disagreement with the showing of anime at club that it was done before and it’s hard to show cause of the DJ playing at club rush*
Sean: . . .*Something about members going around carrying trays of food and fliers? That turned into Sam commenting he just wants to see girls in maid outfits and that she’ll wear one if he does. More audience interaction*
I noticed this time we had sort of some friction between SGA namely with Randy. Which was no fault of our own I’m sure. But how would you smooth things over in the future?
Bryan: Since I’m a member of SGA I can talk to Randy about what we need and what we need to do.
Sean: Maybe kiss a little of butt.
Sam: From what I gather was we weren’t even suppose to deal with Randy. The SGA Advisor had left and the new hadn’t come in yet which is why we had to deal with Randy. The SGA Advisor is actually Carmen and that’s the one we have to deal with for the funding. And she seems to be a very nice person. And really if we did have to deal with Randy we’ll do what we did this time is to stay on it don’t let him get away.
If you are President and there is a breaker of the rules (at a convention) how would you deal with that person in a way that won’t come off as being too rough to solve the problem?
Sean: I’ll keep it simple and we won’t kill them.
Sam: Well the first offence I would think there will be warning like “Hey you really can’t do this. Don’t do it again.” If they do it gain then maybe have a length time suspension depending on what they did. Like if they got drunk and ran down the hall in their underwear, that’s a month. After that if they do it again then they are just gone because that’s the third time.
Bryan: Just basically the same thing.