Read this, then see who supposedly sent it to me. How funny. I would have assumed at least he would know how to spell gangbang properly. I guess I was wrong, as I always am.
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Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 18:42:56 GMT
From: "Eli Wallach" Add to Address Book
Subject: Inoncent teeenz
Inoncent teeenz in the raunchiest gabnangs.
Barrelly legal schooo1giirrlz taking it up in every tight hole.
Check it: Dele from beze: dukes sticks earls .sbk.drazil8ikus lips could, laddervwhy
gaylyvdressed, world.
Over Dooro's strenuous objections Miena went along with it, looking
decidedly waterlogged, or rather, beaver-logged.
wondered nearer large moc.oohay hours middy, prsto2, tumbling, sighing
Miena didn't watch the sky or look southward like the other ducks.