[There had been a few distractions, but it was time to find out how restricted the airspace was, if it was. So here is Jetfire, standing on the edge of the Green closest towards the Barracks and staring at the sky, helm tilted back, arms crossed. Before he goes, though...]
//Starscream, want to come flying? I talked with someone earlier who
Read more... )
Definitely. And even if I am shorter than I... er, am used to, you would still be no effort to carry. [And here, compared with the offer to Megamind, it would clearly be the wrong choice, even if he could, to put her in his cockpit, since it was the air and movement she needed.]
... Ah, and the other half? [She looks pretty perfectly human to him - as far as he knows human physiology - except for the wings, so he's definitely curious, and he has, by now, sat down on the ground.]
Jetfire. [It wasn't as if Isabella had been the only one to neglect an immediate introduction, so he just shakes his helm and nods.]
And, I would assume those words are merely not used by yourself in day-to-day language? I'm not sure... I'm not speaking my native language, but the translation equals the meanings I would otherwise use, so at least this language... ah, English, or common? has them naturally.
[She gives him a half curtsey to accompany her words. Then she smiles brighter, it was easier to explain things to someone that had no background and no preconceptions, so she did not mind.]
The other half of my heritage is angelic. It has given me the wings you see, and lighter bones. Perhaps it was the same side that gave me the magic but we do not know.
[Then she nods and also takes a seat in the grass. Her interest is now got. She beams.]
No, those words I have not heard before today. What does your native tongue sound like? How many languages do you know? And umm... if I may ask- how much taller were you?
[Because that would be one seriously large golem.... ]
[He can't bring himself to use that word. There's of course, he knows, certain ideas to be found in the Covenant of Primus, but they weren't things he'd ever put much stock in. Magic didn't exist. And technically, lighter bones or not, the wings are really in the wrong place to carry Isabella, but she has obviously flown before, so he has to trust that, despite the impossibility, the wings can carry her.]
I know seven proficiently, three less fluently as there was no immediate need during the missions to learn them. [Jetfire paused, and then switched over to Cybertronix, giving a (probably dull, if Isabella had understood it) explanation of one of the methods for refining metal, the words rather melodic, except for the clicks and buzzes that "interrupted" the general flow.]
... And, if you use feet as a measuring system, I was well over thirty feet tall. [A faint smile, hiding his annoyance at this fact. He was positively tiny now!]
Nothing now. This place. I don't know. I used to be able to do small illusions and keep the pain away. Now I can do neither and have to take medicine for the pain to function normally.
[She makes a face. She is not happy with that last part.
He might be interested to see what Sycora is working on then?
She listens to his words in the other language, avidly to say the very least. The bard is quite enjoying how the words have the melody behind them, but immediately that quite a bit of the language would be impossible for her to accomplish. She likely could manage clicks, but the buzzing... well. ]
That is quite beautiful! It sounds almost like a song or a melody when you speak with it. Do you think-?
[The thought trails off. That might be considered rude to ask to learn. She knows that there are plenty of races and people that are protective of their language. He also said something that was quite mind-boggling when you thought about it- and the expression on her face reflected that.]
Thirty feet? Thats! You were as big as a dragon! What-?
And maybe he would be, though what he could do to help... he's not a doctor at all, and causing needless pain wouldn't be pleasant, but if her wings needed re-breaking...]
Do I think you could learn it? Maybe. It depends on how you produce sound; we do it in a way... quite differently from most biological species, I think. [It won't be hard to learn the physiology of a human; all that was needed was a scan, which he'd need to do at some point anyway, to start to figure out the sort of stresses a human body (closely related) could take.
Isabella's amazement at his... lack of height as Jetfire venting quietly, along with a soft fuzz of static in annoyance.]
Yes. And I've been told it's the Keep... or it's Lord, that has somehow managed this, so we can fit into the space available. [It is very hard not to huff and frown in displeasure; the sort of disregard the size-changing showed...]
Well, I know there is much in just that small bit of language that would be difficult if not out-right impossible for me to try and reproduce. But, I would love to try it. I do not think I can get quite the breadth of vocalization needed though. This is more my range-
[She demonstrates it by doing a quick scale. It was musical, and every note was true, but there was obviously no ability to produce some of the sounds that Jetfire had made. Still. Learning some of a language, was better than none.
Then she frowns.]
He has been unkind to a great many people here.
Pitch-perfect. Very beautiful. [The short words are murmured, his appreciation both technical and simply in admiration of something aesthetically/artistically beautiful.]
... Yes, I have begun to draw that conclusion. [And it's an unsettling and displeasing one, considering they are stuck here and the Lord of the Keep obviously have more power than is healthy for one individual to have.]<7small>
R-really? Like an instrument?
[More musical things? Yes please! Her head is kind of spinning from all of this information and pleasant speech.
Her wings flutter and fluff under the compliment. ]
Thank you.
[She then thinks for a moment a little serious.]
There is to be a party later, I do not know if you know this? But with how it is worded, it is almost like he will be there.
[That's what it sounds like to her, at any rate.]
[Jetfire is amused by the reaction to the compliment, but the wings being able to react must mean there are still functioning nerves there, which is interesting to note... He frowns as she speaks, though, and nods.]
I do know. I can't say I understand the whole... reasoning around the party, but I have had some context from following journals made by others as confused as I was. [A small smile.]
As 'parties'... aren't really something I prefer to participate in, I won't be there. Maybe it's just as well, if he'll be there. [Jetfire's frown deepens.] I might be unable to keep my words... civil.
I think there are a good many people with uncivil and crude words they'd wish to speak to him. Though, in many a case, that would be the least of the Lord's worry.
[She shares the sentiment in the 'uncivil words' at least.]
Sollux has said much the same, about 'technology'. There are some things here but not many and they are things I have not seen before now. Like the TeeVee and Video Games.
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