Oct 12, 2011 01:38
[Jetfire apparently figured out the video-function of the journal very quickly, because that's what pops up; a view of someone white, obviously very large, and metal. As soon as he starts to speak, however, it's clear, for those of you who speak English, that he's not speaking that (or any other langauge mostly anyone here would recognize), so have a text translation.]
... This shouldn't even... ahh, right...
I'm finding the premise I'm supposed to accept rather improbable. The odds of even... ah, something divine having the time to construct a place of safety and then pluck someone... or even several, aren't even astronomical. I'd be generous if I said they were astronomical.
[Jetfire only has a faint frown on his faceplates, but his optics are narrowed and his voice heavy with disbelief. Amusingly enough, despite the science-oriented talk, the heavy blanket of disbelief lightens some on the word 'divine', even if there's a slight sigh accompanying it instead.]
Especially since even the assumption of a 'frozen-moment' would require unfreezing at any change of location, and thus even a pre-knowledge of the so-supposed "end" wouldn't be sufficient. Further, even with such a time window, that alloted time would soon run out.
[Does Jetfire enjoy science so much he wouldn't mind potentially talking to himself about it? Yes. He might also be slightly upset. Maybe.]
And since different universes would, by virtue of natural variation, obey slightly different rules, have slightly different outcomes... A single destructive event encompassing a possible multiverse... or even omniverse and completely wiping it all out is highly unlikely simply by virtue of these internal variations-- [The large, white robot seems to have run out of steam (so to speak) finally, as he drags a hand down his face.]
No matter what is actually going on... How and why am I over two-thirds shorter than I ought to be? [That should just not be possible.]
Also... [There's a deep, slow vent.]
If anyone else is here and has seen... or, ah, heard Starscream... Please inform me.
[There were many others he'd like to ask for, but, presently, this seemed to be the most... important. At least personally and for the general safety of any possible others.]