May 17, 2005 20:15
I thought that I was doing something special for my boyfriend Charles today...He needed money to go to the movies with his adult education class for the end of the year outing. well I was running late for class so I tried to find a way to get money to him and also go to class. I finally came up with the conclusion: I would write him a check for $20 and his father would pay me back tomarrow...but in the mean time I would borrow the money from dad to put into the bank so I do not bounce a check. Well I left the check in my clove box and the passenger side door unlocked for him while I went to my class at Baker. He would then go to my car and the cash and run to the bank before 5pm because the banks close. This way he could cash the check an have money to attend his outing....sound nice???
Well I did not remeber that hr told me not to tell his dad about the money loan...I thought he told me not to tell my dad that the cash for him!!! SO when I called his house to see if he really went the movies..because it was still up the air (Depending on wether or not enough people had money to go) His father told me that he did do to the movies but did not know what time it was it or what movie. He then asked me if I knew how he was going to go...and I told him that I loaned him $20 dollars and that he was going to pay me back the next time that I see him. Well leave to Charles, he stopped home before the movies at about 8pm and told hus dad that he was going AND asked his dad for money to attend. He said that it would look weird if he said he was going and did not ask for money because his dad knew that he busted. well you see, I am not telepathic and did not know that all this was going on so his dad looks at this picture as he got money from me and then got money from his dad. Which I guess it does look bad.
Charles cals me when he gets home and tells me that the movie sucked...he went to House of Wax... and he played vidoe games for the second half of the movie. I had an awesome conversation with him and then I get another call at 11pm and he asks me why I told his dad about the money loan...I was confused and told him that I was not suppose to tell my dad...he did nto tell me anything about his dad. BUT he says he did, more than once and I evern responded with a question "Why?" I do not remeber this....but it looks like every time that I try to do soemthing good...bad always comes out of it. I really do not see the big deal with his father knowing the truth...but hey I guess if I was in the situation...Well if I was really in the situation I would have told my father that he was not hime from work and my mom is out of town and I borrowed moeny from my boyfriend....can I have the cash to pay him back!!! But I guess guys do not think that way!
Anyways...I locked my keys int he car this morning!!! I did not attend class because of it! I spemt like $5 in the pay phones and finally ended up calling A Quick Key to get into the damn bastard of a car. The security department on the Baker campus is retarded. You all know that Ferris (DPS) has the tools to get into students car as long as it is ont he campus property. Well Baker does not allow the security units to do this...something about insurance and liablilty. So the police officer hands me a coat hanger and I thought that he was going to come out and help me....but NO!!!!! they cannot do that either. They can only recommend methods to get into your car. How fucked up is that??? I did get into my car and luckly my professor was reasonable and marked me present even though I was not in class.
I also registered for my fall classes is so much different than Ferris. I go to a big room and meet with my advisor of my program and then go from there. Since I have all the required classes completeled I am basically waiting until the RADI program takes me under their wing. I also cannot register for any Bachelor program classes until I am in the RADI program. Something about having an associates degree under your belt or maintaining an associates before yu can get into bachelor classes. I dunno I am still confused on this.
I also applied to Michigans Adventure today...back to the lifeguarding department for me. They said that I would have a better chance with this than ride operations. But I listed them as my second choice because it does sound fun.
I still have not heard from Liz....My phone is back with me in
case you have not been calling me because of that. But you have not returned any of my comments, LJ's, and Emails. What is up with that??? If you are mad that I could not go down to Detroit...I am sorry but My grandma was in the hospital and I did not have the money to go both ways. Even though you said that you would pay my way back....I felt that that was not necessary. SO give me a call when you have the cance if you want to!!! I would really like to catch things up:)