gotta rant...

Jul 02, 2002 02:25

Had a hockey game tonight. It was going quite well, and we actually scored first, and kept a 1-0 score up until the last minute and a half of the game. I was playing centre, and we were short handed, so only running two lines. That means we needed to skate fairly short shifts, 45 secs , no more than a minute on the ice at a time. I skate even shorter shifts, due to toe pain. I take codeine, which keeps the pain to a manageable level and allows me to concentrate on the game. My reflexes are just fine, and I actually play quite well despite the codeine 'drag'. I have to skate very short shifts, though, about 30-45 secs, because the codeine steals my breath and I end up getting a bit lightheaded if I stay out too long.

I'm angry over something quite stupid. We had less than a minute to go in the game, but the rest of the other line had changed out except their centre, C-. I skated out and let C- know that he needed to change with the rest of his line, as he was showing signs of being tired anyhow (he skates kinda slow, and when he's tired it seems as though he's skating thru molasses on a cold day- which could be said for any of us if we're too tired). I got a resounding 'F*ck You!' as he skated off. That was fine. I apologised to him after the game and explained that the rest of his line had changed out. His response was to call me several choice names including 'bitch' and basically told me that he wanted the face-off because he wanted to 'win this game' (thus implying that I suck). This was a moot point. I won the face-off in question and kept them from getting the puck & scoring again. And besides, my line wasn't even on the ice when the other team scored against us. I guess I'm just really upset because I've been playing for about a year and a half now, and that's the first time anyone's played the 'misogynistic asshole' card on me. You know, I don't suck because I'm a girl (i'm the only female on the team, the league is co-ed), I suck because I'm still learning how to play, and it's NOVICE -freakin' level league to begin with! At our level, yeah, it's very cool to win, winning rocks, but it's okay if we don't win. It's a learning level league, for cryin' out loud.

To my credit, I didn't call him any names or anything like that. I stalked off, had a couple of minutes by m'self to calm down, went back to the locker room and did say to him 'next time ye get it right, I am not a bitch, I am a shrew', which got some of the other team mates laughing rather hard. heh. Anyway.

Back to the sewing. I guess I'm more sensitive to bullshite like what happened tonight, because I'm so busy right now and sorta stressed (just wait, it'll get worse as the fourth gets closer). Bleh.
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